Tuesday, April 23, 2013


“Remember, you have been warned,” was all he said as he looked at me and laughed. He then disappeared.

I was not scared or shaken up because I really felt that no negative force could tell me what I can and cannot do because of my strong spiritual beliefs. I knew that I was helping many people and that is all that I considered.

Well, surprise surprise!  Within six weeks I started receiving threatening e-mails, which also included death threats. SEE MORE ON http://cherokeebillie.com/never-argue-with-a-demon.html.

My guides had given me strict warning about being a channel.(Cynastry)label pic  Listening to this story confirmed what I had been taught.  We believe we have the right to do as we wish once we are given an arsenal of divine protection.  But I’m told they all have there rules too.  This activity can be draining and draw negative energies to you. It work from the Astral realm that isn’t really a place you want to play.


Join us on WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO Wed. 7pm EST. Billie will be our first guest on the show.

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