Monday, April 15, 2013





Urtema Dolphin is back with us this week for a two hour chat with Cynastry.  The discussion," Is our choice of eating  evidence of the level of consciousness we view our world from?" It is something to consider in these time of changing diets, spiritual callings to the right path and food of choice! How do you decide the right menu? Urtema and Cynastry tread rough ground on this Topic. Live Wed. 17th on Sepia Radio Link
Urtema joins us from Europe in our quest for deliberate truth!



Vickers Tree Host Cynastry, "we arrive in the moment to discuss, the infinite, the love of life that is truly possible for us all."

We strive to understand the world around us and yet the true magic resides within us. We are creatures of the universe. A personal song lit with our consciousness, we learn to dance to the symphony that is the toroidal field of our heart. What am I saying here? When we learn to go within our mind, in meditation the void discloses our true expression of who we came here to be.
I enjoy sharing these insights here on the Vickers Tree where we have so many well informed guests that can assist us in this vast area of discussion. Connect with Cynastry ;



Urtema Dolphin “Ascension is, in part, about expanding our consciousness to embrace the seemingly impossible."

More on Urtema,
Alas, I was like Dorothy. Grounded on the earth while wistfully singing, ' birds fly over the rainbow , why then,o why, can't I?
I truly believed in magic. I saw it everywhere, in nature, in the sky at night, in a rainbow, in the shapes of the clouds as they raced ever-changing across a summer blue sky. Even in the air , which everybody insisted was invisible, I could see silver sparkles and swirling patterns of shifting energy. Faeries were also visible to me.I would spend hours in the garden playing with the faeries and when older,I asked for a little part of the garden for myself in which I planted pretty flowers and decorated with shells and pebbles collected on trips to the seaside.
I grew older and wiser and for fear of ridicule or worse, learned to keep my mouth shut. I felt like a cat in a kennel, as though somehow I'd landed on the wrong planet.As if there was so much more to life than anybody was letting on. It was a lonely path.

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