Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Everyone dreams of Ancient Egypt it is part of our collective consciousness.  We are linked by some unknown pull to understand a time hidden in label picthe dim light of our futurist view point.  Who were they? What treasures lay in the mists of the myths? Have we been deceived? How have these ancient cities been created in a world barren and lacking in the technologies we took so long to uncover? Jim Phillips makes some brave claims to the real activities of our past. We are all one, “Living in Truth”,  Jim states.  Can he really have the answers we have been seeking.  Cynastry is staking a claim here as well, join us Here WED. LIVE on Sepia www.sepianc.com  7pm EST

Jim is not new to this discovery.  His work spans time and space to acquire the insights he come to boldly speak.

Below is a excerpt from his page http://www.lit4you.com/foundation-workshop/

We are one?


“I have made no deceptions. I have told no lies. What my heart hated I did not do. I am One with the invisible God that created me. I will live for millions of years in this truth.”

             … Pharaoh Akhenaten, 1367 B.C.E.

Pharaoh Akhenaten dreamed of a world where everyone lived in peace, were equal under the law, and freely offered service to one another and to their country. Akhenaten was a man with a mission; of rare intelligence and deep perception, with great sensitivity and a gift for words, and possessing an intense desire for universal peace and understanding. His aim was to purify a way of life he believed had strayed far from its true course through practice of a spiritual philosophy he called ankh en maat or “Living in Truth”, echoes of which birthed Christianity, Judaism, and Islam over a thousand years after his time.

Akhenaten believed in the myth of Zep Tepi, or First Time, when enlightened semi-divine beings supposedly gave the early Khemitians (what the ancient Egyptians actually called themselves) a written language to express themselves, the sciences to study, notions of ethics and justice under law, and the technology required to build monumental works in stone. The enlightened beings taught the Khemitians that there are infinite forms of life throughout the Universe but the evolution of life is the same for all under the Law of One. Mind-body-spirit complexes ascend gradually over many lifetimes through Seven Densities of the Great Physical Plane of Life … the higher the density, the higher the level of consciousness obtained by the mind-body-spirit complex. The closest analogy is that of musical scale where each note on the scale has a higher frequency than the preceding note.

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