Tuesday, April 2, 2013

African Horse Whisper, Elephants and Marina Visser

We are taking  you on a  a journey to South Africa into the wilds of your soul and the continent of dreams. Here you will find refuge in the great care of Marina Visser, a ranger of the Kruger Parkland and caretaker of the Bushveld. There have been so many stories Izmir, Turkeyacross the world, let’s go to the heart of it now. Vickers Tree spotlights the world of life in the wilderness of Africa with you (APRIL 10TH) WED. AT 5PM ON WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO your host Cynastry will make the trip with you tonight along with our cohost Sheryl Bishop our instructor from the Deepak Chopra Training Centre.

We are located on a 2000 hectare Bushveld property, owned by the Sandford community trust. Horse Whispers is a company that offers a wide variety of horse trails and offer underprivileged children the opportunity to work with horses. The relationship between Sandford community and Horse Whispers is one of the few successful land reformed cases. The community receives a monthly rental income while the horses are able to roam across hills and valleys, feel the wind and the sun, and enjoy  interaction with people in a loving environment.
The well-being and future of these horses is dependent on the income from horse trails and donations. Most of these horses came from foster homes and were field horses fairly familiar to human interaction, some did not trust humans at all and others had no understanding of personal space. The training of these horses consisted of halter work, trusting and respecting humans, desensitization exercises, groundwork, preparing for a rider, backing and riding away with a safe, confident horse!
Today, these horses are able to play a significant role in brightening the lives of underprivileged children. The program teach more than just riding; children develop life skills such as self-confidence, responsibility and discipline - and can have a positive impact on academic performance too.
Donations are welcome! http://www.horsewhispers.co.za/index.html

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