Tuesday, April 23, 2013


“Remember, you have been warned,” was all he said as he looked at me and laughed. He then disappeared.

I was not scared or shaken up because I really felt that no negative force could tell me what I can and cannot do because of my strong spiritual beliefs. I knew that I was helping many people and that is all that I considered.

Well, surprise surprise!  Within six weeks I started receiving threatening e-mails, which also included death threats. SEE MORE ON http://cherokeebillie.com/never-argue-with-a-demon.html.

My guides had given me strict warning about being a channel.(Cynastry)label pic  Listening to this story confirmed what I had been taught.  We believe we have the right to do as we wish once we are given an arsenal of divine protection.  But I’m told they all have there rules too.  This activity can be draining and draw negative energies to you. It work from the Astral realm that isn’t really a place you want to play.


Join us on WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO Wed. 7pm EST. Billie will be our first guest on the show.


“Remember, you have been warned,” was all he said as he looked at me and laughed. He then disappeared.

I was not scared or shaken up because I really felt that no negative force could tell me what I can and cannot do because of my strong spiritual beliefs. I knew that I was helping many people and that is all that I considered.

Well, surprise surprise!  Within six weeks I started receiving threatening e-mails, which also included death threats. SEE MORE ON http://cherokeebillie.com/never-argue-with-a-demon.html.

My guides had given me strict warning about being a channel.(Cynastry)label pic  Listening to this story confirmed what I had been taught.  We believe we have the right to do as we wish once we are given an arsenal of divine protection.  But I’m told they all have there rules too.  This activity can be draining and draw negative energies to you. It work from the Astral realm that isn’t really a place you want to play.


Join us on WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO Wed. 7pm


Everyone dreams of Ancient Egypt it is part of our collective consciousness.  We are linked by some unknown pull to understand a time hidden in label picthe dim light of our futurist view point.  Who were they? What treasures lay in the mists of the myths? Have we been deceived? How have these ancient cities been created in a world barren and lacking in the technologies we took so long to uncover? Jim Phillips makes some brave claims to the real activities of our past. We are all one, “Living in Truth”,  Jim states.  Can he really have the answers we have been seeking.  Cynastry is staking a claim here as well, join us Here WED. LIVE on Sepia www.sepianc.com  7pm EST

Jim is not new to this discovery.  His work spans time and space to acquire the insights he come to boldly speak.

Below is a excerpt from his page http://www.lit4you.com/foundation-workshop/

We are one?


“I have made no deceptions. I have told no lies. What my heart hated I did not do. I am One with the invisible God that created me. I will live for millions of years in this truth.”

             … Pharaoh Akhenaten, 1367 B.C.E.

Pharaoh Akhenaten dreamed of a world where everyone lived in peace, were equal under the law, and freely offered service to one another and to their country. Akhenaten was a man with a mission; of rare intelligence and deep perception, with great sensitivity and a gift for words, and possessing an intense desire for universal peace and understanding. His aim was to purify a way of life he believed had strayed far from its true course through practice of a spiritual philosophy he called ankh en maat or “Living in Truth”, echoes of which birthed Christianity, Judaism, and Islam over a thousand years after his time.

Akhenaten believed in the myth of Zep Tepi, or First Time, when enlightened semi-divine beings supposedly gave the early Khemitians (what the ancient Egyptians actually called themselves) a written language to express themselves, the sciences to study, notions of ethics and justice under law, and the technology required to build monumental works in stone. The enlightened beings taught the Khemitians that there are infinite forms of life throughout the Universe but the evolution of life is the same for all under the Law of One. Mind-body-spirit complexes ascend gradually over many lifetimes through Seven Densities of the Great Physical Plane of Life … the higher the density, the higher the level of consciousness obtained by the mind-body-spirit complex. The closest analogy is that of musical scale where each note on the scale has a higher frequency than the preceding note.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The way it is!

(2) Facebook

Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.

--- Abraham

(6) Facebook

Monday, April 15, 2013





Urtema Dolphin is back with us this week for a two hour chat with Cynastry.  The discussion," Is our choice of eating  evidence of the level of consciousness we view our world from?" It is something to consider in these time of changing diets, spiritual callings to the right path and food of choice! How do you decide the right menu? Urtema and Cynastry tread rough ground on this Topic. Live Wed. 17th on Sepia Radio Link
Urtema joins us from Europe in our quest for deliberate truth!



Vickers Tree Host Cynastry, "we arrive in the moment to discuss, the infinite, the love of life that is truly possible for us all."

We strive to understand the world around us and yet the true magic resides within us. We are creatures of the universe. A personal song lit with our consciousness, we learn to dance to the symphony that is the toroidal field of our heart. What am I saying here? When we learn to go within our mind, in meditation the void discloses our true expression of who we came here to be.
I enjoy sharing these insights here on the Vickers Tree where we have so many well informed guests that can assist us in this vast area of discussion. Connect with Cynastry www.vickerstree.com ; www.vickerstree.ca



Urtema Dolphin “Ascension is, in part, about expanding our consciousness to embrace the seemingly impossible."

More on Urtema,
Alas, I was like Dorothy. Grounded on the earth while wistfully singing, ' birds fly over the rainbow , why then,o why, can't I?
I truly believed in magic. I saw it everywhere, in nature, in the sky at night, in a rainbow, in the shapes of the clouds as they raced ever-changing across a summer blue sky. Even in the air , which everybody insisted was invisible, I could see silver sparkles and swirling patterns of shifting energy. Faeries were also visible to me.I would spend hours in the garden playing with the faeries and when older,I asked for a little part of the garden for myself in which I planted pretty flowers and decorated with shells and pebbles collected on trips to the seaside.
I grew older and wiser and for fear of ridicule or worse, learned to keep my mouth shut. I felt like a cat in a kennel, as though somehow I'd landed on the wrong planet.As if there was so much more to life than anybody was letting on. It was a lonely path. http://www.urtemadolphin.com/

Friday, April 5, 2013


cvtCYNASTRY’s made the  call to a Canadian seer to share her gifts with us on the Vickers Tree  Wed. April 3rd.  Colleen is a warm, personable, and comforting psychic and healer.  Speaking with Colleen is like meeting your long lost friend, just when you need them the most!  Colleen has been gifted from birth and is blessed with a genuine desire to be a source of divine:  inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, harmony and healing.  Colleen has been a professional psychic and healer for more than 18 years now.

    •    A Psychic/Tarot Reading:  A reading will help guide you through your life’s journey.  A psychic reading, provides you the benefit of traveling to your life’s destination with a excellent road map and directions.
    •    A Mediumship Session: Mediums serve as a channel to communicate, connect and sense the spirits of people who have passed away.  They are frequently sought after to bring a sense of peace, comfort and closure for loved ones.  A Medium may utilize different methods to facilitate communication; such as, Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls, Palmistry and/or Psychometry.
    •    A Reiki Session: Reiki is a holistic means of providing and restoring:  harmony, calmness, relief from anxiety and stress, and healing from pain and injuries.
    •    A Hypnosis Session: Hypnosis is the implementation of positive affirmations to successfully bring resolution to various concerns; such as:  depression, anxiety disorders, phobia’s and self esteem issues to name a few. http://www.angeldivinations.ca/angeldivinations/

African Horse Whispers, Elephants and Marina Visser

We are taking  you on a  journey to South Africa into the wilds of your soul and the continent of dreams. Marina Visser and African ElephantsHere you will find refuge in the great care of Marina Visser, a ranger of the Kruger Parkland and caretaker of the Bushveld. There have been so many stories across the world, let’s go to the heart of it now. Vickers Tree spotlights the world of life in the wilderness of Africa with you (APRIL 10TH) WED. AT 5PM ON WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO your host Cynastry will maIzmir, Turkeyke the trip with you tonight along with this evenings cohost Sheryl Bishop an instructor from the Deepak Chopra Training Centre.

Located on a 2000 hectare Bushveld property, owned by the Sandford community trust. Horse Whispers is a company that offers a wide variety of horse trails and offer underprivileged children the opportunity to work with horses. The relationship between Sandford community and Horse Whispers is one of the few successful land reformed cases. The community receives a monthly rental income while the horses are able to roam across hills and valleys, feel the wind and the sun, and enjoy  interaction with people in a loving environment. Animals in Africa
Marina Visser: Marina Visser  is the owner of Horse Whispers (www.horsewhispers.co.za) and Walking Trails Kruger National Park (www.krugerparktrails.co.za),  has recently obtained a Central Vet Franchise in Hazyview. She completed her National Diploma in Nature Conservation in 2001, her FGASA level 3, SKS in 2003, and has extensive experience of conducting walking safaris in the Kruger National Park. She completed her Baccalaureus Technologiae in Animal Health with a two year research study on the stress levels of six trained African elephants. She was also part of a white rhinoceros translocation exercise, moving over a 120 white rhinoceros to a safer property due to the increase poaching. She also has knowledge and experience in livestock husbandry, works in liaison with veterinarians, and has started a community project in Lilydale (close to Paul Kruger Gate), advising the local farmers on the well-being of their livestock.
Donations are welcome! http://www.horsewhispers.co.za/index.htmlMarina Visser and African Elephants.2JPG

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

African Horse Whisper, Elephants and Marina Visser

We are taking  you on a  a journey to South Africa into the wilds of your soul and the continent of dreams. Here you will find refuge in the great care of Marina Visser, a ranger of the Kruger Parkland and caretaker of the Bushveld. There have been so many stories Izmir, Turkeyacross the world, let’s go to the heart of it now. Vickers Tree spotlights the world of life in the wilderness of Africa with you (APRIL 10TH) WED. AT 5PM ON WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIO your host Cynastry will make the trip with you tonight along with our cohost Sheryl Bishop our instructor from the Deepak Chopra Training Centre.

We are located on a 2000 hectare Bushveld property, owned by the Sandford community trust. Horse Whispers is a company that offers a wide variety of horse trails and offer underprivileged children the opportunity to work with horses. The relationship between Sandford community and Horse Whispers is one of the few successful land reformed cases. The community receives a monthly rental income while the horses are able to roam across hills and valleys, feel the wind and the sun, and enjoy  interaction with people in a loving environment.
The well-being and future of these horses is dependent on the income from horse trails and donations. Most of these horses came from foster homes and were field horses fairly familiar to human interaction, some did not trust humans at all and others had no understanding of personal space. The training of these horses consisted of halter work, trusting and respecting humans, desensitization exercises, groundwork, preparing for a rider, backing and riding away with a safe, confident horse!
Today, these horses are able to play a significant role in brightening the lives of underprivileged children. The program teach more than just riding; children develop life skills such as self-confidence, responsibility and discipline - and can have a positive impact on academic performance too.
Donations are welcome! http://www.horsewhispers.co.za/index.html

Monday, April 1, 2013


Tarot cards.
Tarot cards. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
cvtCYNASTRY’s made the  call to a Canadian seer to share her gifts with us on the Vickers Tree  Wed. April 3rd.  Colleen is a warm, personable, and comforting psychic and healer.  Speaking with Colleen is like meeting your long lost friend, just when you need them the most!  Colleen has been gifted from birth and is blessed with a genuine desire to be a source of divine:  inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, harmony and healing.  Colleen has been a professional psychic and healer for more than 18 years now.

    •    A Psychic/Tarot Reading:  A reading will help guide you through your life’s journey.  A psychic reading, provides you the benefit of traveling to your life’s destination with a excellent road map and directions.
    •    A Mediumship Session: Mediums serve as a channel to communicate, connect and sense the spirits of people who have passed away.  They are frequently sought after to bring a sense of peace, comfort and closure for loved ones.  A Medium may utilize different methods to facilitate communication; such as, Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls, Palmistry and/or Psychometry.
    •    A Reiki Session: Reiki is a holistic means of providing and restoring:  harmony, calmness, relief from anxiety and stress, and healing from pain and injuries.
    •    A Hypnosis Session: Hypnosis is the implementation of positive affirmations to successfully bring resolution to various concerns; such as:  depression, anxiety disorders, phobia’s and self esteem issues to name a few. http://www.angeldivinations.ca/angeldivinations/
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