Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We are taking you on a journey to South Africa into the wilds of your soul and the continent of dreams. Here you will find refuge in the great care of Marina Visser, a ranger of the Kruger Parkland and caretaker of the Bushveld. There have been so many stories across the world,
let’s go to the heart of it now.Marina Visser and African Elephants
Vickers Tree spotlights the world of life in the wilderness of Africa with you(JUNE  26TH) WED. AT 5PMON WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIOyour host Cynastry will make the trip with you tonight creating a new path in understanding our friends of the wild! Marina was last here with us on April 10. Marina has been doing four day backpacking adventures lately that she will share with us here “Live”
Located on a 2000 hectare Bushveld property, owned by the Sandford Community Trust. Animals in AfricaHorseWhispers is a company that offers a wide variety of horse trails and offer underprivilegedchildren the opportunity to work with horses. The relationship between Sandford community andHorse Whispers is one of the few successful land reformed cases. The community receives amonthly rental income while the horses are able to roam across hills and valleys, feel the windand the sun, and enjoy interaction with people in a loving environment.
Marina Visser: Marina Visser is the owner of Horse Whispers( and Walking Trails Kruger National Park (, has recently obtained a Central Vet Franchise in Hazy View. She completed her National Diploma in Nature Conservation in 2001, her FGASA level 3, SKS in 2003, and has extensive experience of conducting walking safaris in the Kruger National Park. She completed her Baccalaureus Technologies in
in Animal Health with a two year research study on the stress levels of six trained African elephants. She was also part of a white rhinoceros translocation exercise, moving over a 120 white rhinoceros to a safer property due to the increase poaching. She also has knowledge and experience in livestock husbandry, works in liaison with veterinarians, and has started a community project in Lilydale (close to Paul Kruger Gate), advising the local farmers on the well-being of their livestock.
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