Wednesday, June 19, 2013


cvtSound and Healing how are they connected? Is it impacting all of us? We are exposed to so many vibrations in a day how can we support our own vibration to stay high enough to live a life of mastery? WE are here today with Sheryl Bishop and some sound tracks of Jill Mattson. Wednesday, 5PM Mountain and 7PM Eastern

We are welcoming back Sheryl to offer new light into this conversation.

Sheryl is a Leading Edge Thinker, supporting women and students to raise their level of consciousness, so they can understand:
- Who They Really Are,
- What they Really want and are capable of
- How to Shift Their World into the reality they prefer and work from the knowing thatWork should never be a necessary burden, but should reflect your Souls Effortless Journey, proving work is
Love & Joy, Made Visible.Izmir, Turkey

Born and educated in South Africa, USA, Australia and England, Sheryl has travelled and lived in many cultures, such as The Zulu Kingdom in South Africa, Turkey & China.
She has spent the last 30 years on her own Journey into Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit and been on TV and the media in South Africa which was her home until she married an American and is now living and working here.

Certified in many areas, including:
- Energy Healer, NLP Practitioner
- Stress Release Specialist,
- Mind Set for Success Coach & Consultant
- Chopra Centre Instructor and meditation teacher.

Her work is based on profound meetings and working with
- Nelson Mandela, Eileen Caddy of Findhorn, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Dr Deepak Chopra, Rev. Desmond Tutu and many other incredible beings who guided her into being more than she ever thought she could possibly be.

as well as her incredible spiritual journey which took her from believing she was One of God’s Rejects – to knowing God Makes No Mistakes, her Life-Journey prepared her to Serve, by sharing her story and the lessons that helped move her life out of Mental Stress & Scarcity,
into the life of a Happy, fulfilled, Abundant Millionaire-ess, with homes in Texas & The winelands of S Africa.


PHONE 404 399 3904 and 678 630 9834

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