Tuesday, February 5, 2013

VICKERS TREE WELCOMES Diana Spiritualist and Healer

headvickers_tree_banner 1  Cynastry welcomes Diana also known as Mountain Deva to the VickersTreecvt

  http://www.sepianc.com/radio Feb 6th 6pm Mountain  8pm EST

Diana does not want to be labeled like others do as an RN or a ND. Those are her degrees.  You can mention the college courses and she graduated from but she does not like being called a so and so. Not many do!

She is not her college degrees. Diana prefers to make her claim as the, I am presence, our true divinity.

Diana’s story,  as stated by her. Graduated from the LPN in the early 70's and the RN in the early 80's. Somewhere after my 20th year of nursing I realized the missing link in nursing was total care of a human being as one who deserves care of the spirit with the body and mind which we cared for in allopathic nursing. So I started Clayton College in 95 and obtained a BS and MS in Natural Health. Then by 2000 I finished the DR. SC. in Naturopathy with honors. I became board certified Holistic in 2002 being the 823 person to pass the 6 hour board certification exam. This program prepared me to be a spiritual teacher and proficient at 26 plus different therapies. Chakra balancing, energy healing, spiritual healing, meditation, relaxation, therapeutic touch, reflexology and providing a space for a persons healing while being the conduit of healing was important lessons to master. Per board exam, I was able to tell which type of meditation to use, which chakra was out of balance, and what life coaching method would be needed to help a person balance their life to become part of the whole, The God force/ Life transcendent nature in all of us.
The journey became short as allopathic nursing was not ready for holistic nursing. I became a soma-energetics sound healing practitioner. By 2009, I had finished my last nursing job, still I was getting comments from managers such as, "You are a healer, not a usual RN", Then in Tallahassee, "Our hospital does not have a place for holistic nurses." "Then in N. Idaho, "Our Physician’s assistants do not want to work with you because of your degrees in natural healing." That was the third time that I had to leave positions in Nursing because of my hard work and holistic education had put me under some kind of microscope of unwilling hospitals to accept holistic nursing. Others told me, well then you see we know what exists out there by the fact they don't want someone with a natural health education and a spiritual healing board certification to work in their hospitals. Nursing had become a business for hospitals and not healing. An MD I rented a house from had told me she thought natural healing would come forefront after we had more earths destruction and they needed us. She did her doctoring in Peru.
After my mothers death in 2011, I decided to start my tour of lightworking on the road. I had been a spiritual warrior all my life, and now I was to start by being in Sedona for 11-11. Many miracles have happened since I have been on the road. By 12-11, I had left my new knowledge I learned in Sedona, and made it to Ventura beach where I stayed the winter, bringing heaven to earth with my sound healing.
By the time I got to Santa Barbara the next spring I was in 5 Density. I had forgiven everyone and myself. I had seen my soul star, been to the Akashic, rewritten my life and not only believed but experienced the faith, trust, love coupled with the believe, and the universe spoke to me. By the time I reached Santa Cruz during the summer I had met the Lemurian/Atlantean Oneness energies and was still working to heal the earth everywhere I went. After half moon bay I had pretty much given up on people who were supposed to be in house mystics who would know of barter/exchange and I found none on my journey. I made my way up to Mt. Shasta. I learned the I am prayers well there and worked with Arch Angel Michael in clearing the skies. I met blue Angels and Lemurians again. And drank of the spring water. I made my way to 7 different days of native American Pow Wows, and spent a few weeks attending a Buddha temple learning dharma. I learned I was enlightened and had the obligation to teach people how I got there. I dodged fires and storms and was always kept safe by my Angels. 


Healthyrnnd@wordpress.com is her web site .http://healthyrnnd.wordpress.com/

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