Monday, February 4, 2013



VICKERS TREE ‘S CYNASTRY is on a new station and new time with Sepia Radio.  Danella Hesler  join us Feb. 6th 7pm EST and 5pm Mountain time.


The machines that Danella and Milica use were originally created by a Canadian doctor over 80 years ago. They pick up a vibration from a person’s hair. The practitioner has a special pad that they rub and by changing vibrations on specific dials they find what and where the problems are in a person’s body. The machine then will destroy the invaders whether it is a bacteria, virus, parasite, fungal/yeast or a chemical. Most sessions take 24- 36 hours and most are done long distance using a person’s hair although a person can come to the office and have the machine attached to their body. People with many problem will require many sessions and the longer the problem the more session to remove the problem.
Wikipedia explanation…        Radionics is the use of blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person as a focus to supposedly heal a patient from afar.[1] The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself.[2] Radionics is not based on any scientific evidence, and contradicts the principles of physics and biology and as a result it has been classed as pseudoscience and quackery by most physicians.[3] The United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical uses for such devices.[1][2][3]
Danella shares her story on the use of this machine.
Danella had been a chef for over 20 years when a wall fell on her head and turned her life in a direction she had not planned. Although she had sciatic pain for 17 years the hit to the head made her look for answers that would change her life forever. After having several sessions of the Mitzvah Technique the constant pain everywhere in her body began to disappear. This was so exciting that she took the 3 years course to become a Mitzvah Technique Teacher.
Over the past 14 years in Hastings County she has taught and graduated over 5 people the Mitzvah Technique. This makes Hastings County now equal to Toronto for practicing Mitzvah Teachers.
Mitzvah was just the beginning of a learning experience that is still in progress. She has received a Doctorate of Natural Medicine in 2007. Danella continues to takes courses in Homeopathy, Radionics, and a diverse variety of energy work.
After moving to Eldorado she was the president of the Mitzvah Technique Teachers of Canada Association for 2 years. Danella was also on the Board of the Marmora Dog Sled Races and Center Hastings Safe Homes.

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