Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Feeling the shift from a feminine perspective describes some delicious curves with our connection in the reality we experience. Join us Live on Sepia Radio.

Malana and Sheryl Bishop explore the new paradigm from a feminine teaching perspective. As a woman theirs is one of soft acceptance, embracing the life that is about us now while we live with the belief of the joy of birthing our new world.

Malana Ashlie is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath. As part of her quest to find the root cause of chronic conditions, she began studies in subtle energy  and metaphysics. Intertwining this new 4th and 5th dimensional information into her conventional naturopathic training gave her a new perspective to healing and well-being.

She now offers her skills as a Holistic Intuitive and Spiritual Guide. She teaches workshops on spiritual awareness, hosts healing vacations and spiritual intensives.    Malanacvt

Sheryl is a Leading Edge Thinker, supporting women and students to raise their level of consciousness, so they can understand:
- Who They Really Are,
- What they Really want and are capable of
- How to Shift Their World into the reality they prefer and work from the knowing that Work should never be a necessary burden, but should reflect your Souls Effortless Journey, proving work is
Love & Joy, Made Visible.

Born and educated in South Africa, USA, Australia and England, Sheryl has travelled and lived in many cultures, such as The Zulu Kingdom in South Africa, Turkey & China.
She has spent the last 30 years on her own Journey into Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit and been on TV and the media in South Africa which was her home until she married an American and is now living and working here.

Certified in many areas, including:
- Energy Healer, NLP Practitioner
- Stress Release Specialist,
- Mind Set for Success Coach & Consultant
- Chopra Centre Instructor and meditation teacher.

Her work is based on profound meetings and working with
- Nelson Mandela, Eileen Caddy of Findhorn, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Dr Deepak Chopra, Rev. Desmond Tutu and many other incredible beings who guided her into being more than she ever thought she could possibly be.

as well as her incredible spiritual journey which took her from believing she was One of God’s Rejects – to knowing God Makes No Mistakes, her Life-Journey prepared her to Serve, by sharing her story and the lessons that helped move her life out of Mental Stress & Scarcity,
into the life of a Happy, fulfilled, Abundant Millionaire-ess, with homes in Texas & The winelands of S Africa.


PHONE 404 399 3904 and 678 630 9834
Website in construction

Monday, February 18, 2013


The Sound of Healing takes many forms and today’s show covers a unique path through musical notes of song, to frequency and vibration in radionics, Shamanic sounds of Papa Wango and Djaly to the whispers of the crystal skulls. Each healing path offering up its mystery to who we are to become on this journey of life. Vickers Tree is your life’s door to mysteries we have decided to unravel with you in this new broadcast with Sepia Radio.

THIS SHOW Miss Magikal British Musican spiritual; Danella Hestler Radionics; Chantel Staekle w/ African Shamans;  Joshua Shapiro AND Katrina Head Crystal Skulls

Join this show for instructions to receive your free mp3s.

Miss Magikal  Dream of Healing through Music and Love,,,as a channel for Divine Spirit,,, presenting to the World the Creations which I have remembered and gifting these Creations to Humanity,,, choosing the reality that I wish to experience and taking responsibility for my journey,,,as I walk the lighted pathway I shine my heartslight upon the World,,, stepping froward into the arena of my creation and raising my profile by broadcasting my message without fear,,, using my passion and inner freedom to inspire others as we enter a new paradigm..
Assisted by Laurence Elliot Potter/Producer (Larry Lush) and Nattynatstar on Harmonies Vocals and Flute and percussion ,,,Namaste,,, missmagikal
Visit her at reverbnation here 
Music this show: Wayshowers album; Surrender, I’m going to be in your Life, Twinflme,  Search Miss Magikal on Rev. page Mr. Magikal     Musician Max Dipro music page.

Wayshower is a collection of Healing Songs presented to you as a Gift. You may download all mp3s free of charge, just click on the download arrow in the player above to proceed or download the entire album here (87Mb) .

Chantel Staekle

Booking agent/ translator for African shaman Papa Wango World-renowned for their inspired performances of traditional Mali tribe music, Papa Wango and Djaly take their calling quite seriously, and with great reverence. African Mali rituals, long held in secret, are considered one of the most powerful and exotic forms of magic the world has ever seen.


Danella had be scheduled in for Feb.6th 
Danella had been a chef for over 20 years when a wall fell on her head and turned her life in a direction she had not planned. Although she had sciatic pain for 17 years the hit to the head made her look for answers that would change her life forever.
According to radionics practitioners, a healthy person will have certain energy frequencies moving through their body that define health, while an unhealthy person will exhibit other, different energy frequencies that define disorders. Radionic devices purport to diagnose and heal by applying appropriate frequencies to balance the discordant frequencies of sickness.

JOSHUA SHAPIRO and Katrina Head Geronimo

Joshua has been involved with the crystal skulls since 1983 when he saw one made out of amethyst in northern California. l
Learn more about Joshua and his special experiences with the crystal skulls over 28 years as well as information about some of the key crystal skulls known in the world.Katrina Head is a Crystal Explorer with her divine partner, Joshua Shapiro, since 2009. Katrina’s first contact with the crystal skulls happened in 2008 when she was gifted a small rose quartz crystal skull from a close friend.
 March 9th and 10th, 2013 join Joshua and Katrina for the 2nd On-line Crystal Skull Conference - Crystal Skulls into 2013 and Beyond - Take I - Europe ... to read more about this exciting conference ... go to:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

VICKERS TREE WELCOMES Diana Spiritualist and Healer

headvickers_tree_banner 1  Cynastry welcomes Diana also known as Mountain Deva to the VickersTreecvt Feb 6th 6pm Mountain  8pm EST

Diana does not want to be labeled like others do as an RN or a ND. Those are her degrees.  You can mention the college courses and she graduated from but she does not like being called a so and so. Not many do!

She is not her college degrees. Diana prefers to make her claim as the, I am presence, our true divinity.

Diana’s story,  as stated by her. Graduated from the LPN in the early 70's and the RN in the early 80's. Somewhere after my 20th year of nursing I realized the missing link in nursing was total care of a human being as one who deserves care of the spirit with the body and mind which we cared for in allopathic nursing. So I started Clayton College in 95 and obtained a BS and MS in Natural Health. Then by 2000 I finished the DR. SC. in Naturopathy with honors. I became board certified Holistic in 2002 being the 823 person to pass the 6 hour board certification exam. This program prepared me to be a spiritual teacher and proficient at 26 plus different therapies. Chakra balancing, energy healing, spiritual healing, meditation, relaxation, therapeutic touch, reflexology and providing a space for a persons healing while being the conduit of healing was important lessons to master. Per board exam, I was able to tell which type of meditation to use, which chakra was out of balance, and what life coaching method would be needed to help a person balance their life to become part of the whole, The God force/ Life transcendent nature in all of us.
The journey became short as allopathic nursing was not ready for holistic nursing. I became a soma-energetics sound healing practitioner. By 2009, I had finished my last nursing job, still I was getting comments from managers such as, "You are a healer, not a usual RN", Then in Tallahassee, "Our hospital does not have a place for holistic nurses." "Then in N. Idaho, "Our Physician’s assistants do not want to work with you because of your degrees in natural healing." That was the third time that I had to leave positions in Nursing because of my hard work and holistic education had put me under some kind of microscope of unwilling hospitals to accept holistic nursing. Others told me, well then you see we know what exists out there by the fact they don't want someone with a natural health education and a spiritual healing board certification to work in their hospitals. Nursing had become a business for hospitals and not healing. An MD I rented a house from had told me she thought natural healing would come forefront after we had more earths destruction and they needed us. She did her doctoring in Peru.
After my mothers death in 2011, I decided to start my tour of lightworking on the road. I had been a spiritual warrior all my life, and now I was to start by being in Sedona for 11-11. Many miracles have happened since I have been on the road. By 12-11, I had left my new knowledge I learned in Sedona, and made it to Ventura beach where I stayed the winter, bringing heaven to earth with my sound healing.
By the time I got to Santa Barbara the next spring I was in 5 Density. I had forgiven everyone and myself. I had seen my soul star, been to the Akashic, rewritten my life and not only believed but experienced the faith, trust, love coupled with the believe, and the universe spoke to me. By the time I reached Santa Cruz during the summer I had met the Lemurian/Atlantean Oneness energies and was still working to heal the earth everywhere I went. After half moon bay I had pretty much given up on people who were supposed to be in house mystics who would know of barter/exchange and I found none on my journey. I made my way up to Mt. Shasta. I learned the I am prayers well there and worked with Arch Angel Michael in clearing the skies. I met blue Angels and Lemurians again. And drank of the spring water. I made my way to 7 different days of native American Pow Wows, and spent a few weeks attending a Buddha temple learning dharma. I learned I was enlightened and had the obligation to teach people how I got there. I dodged fires and storms and was always kept safe by my Angels. is her web site .

Monday, February 4, 2013



VICKERS TREE ‘S CYNASTRY is on a new station and new time with Sepia Radio.  Danella Hesler  join us Feb. 6th 7pm EST and 5pm Mountain time.


The machines that Danella and Milica use were originally created by a Canadian doctor over 80 years ago. They pick up a vibration from a person’s hair. The practitioner has a special pad that they rub and by changing vibrations on specific dials they find what and where the problems are in a person’s body. The machine then will destroy the invaders whether it is a bacteria, virus, parasite, fungal/yeast or a chemical. Most sessions take 24- 36 hours and most are done long distance using a person’s hair although a person can come to the office and have the machine attached to their body. People with many problem will require many sessions and the longer the problem the more session to remove the problem.
Wikipedia explanation…        Radionics is the use of blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person as a focus to supposedly heal a patient from afar.[1] The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself.[2] Radionics is not based on any scientific evidence, and contradicts the principles of physics and biology and as a result it has been classed as pseudoscience and quackery by most physicians.[3] The United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical uses for such devices.[1][2][3]
Danella shares her story on the use of this machine.
Danella had been a chef for over 20 years when a wall fell on her head and turned her life in a direction she had not planned. Although she had sciatic pain for 17 years the hit to the head made her look for answers that would change her life forever. After having several sessions of the Mitzvah Technique the constant pain everywhere in her body began to disappear. This was so exciting that she took the 3 years course to become a Mitzvah Technique Teacher.
Over the past 14 years in Hastings County she has taught and graduated over 5 people the Mitzvah Technique. This makes Hastings County now equal to Toronto for practicing Mitzvah Teachers.
Mitzvah was just the beginning of a learning experience that is still in progress. She has received a Doctorate of Natural Medicine in 2007. Danella continues to takes courses in Homeopathy, Radionics, and a diverse variety of energy work.
After moving to Eldorado she was the president of the Mitzvah Technique Teachers of Canada Association for 2 years. Danella was also on the Board of the Marmora Dog Sled Races and Center Hastings Safe Homes.