Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism With Barbara Rector 4/3/2011 - Cynastry | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

I see you! Heard so many times since Avatar it is becoming a cliche'. Meet with an original educator working in the field of horses Sunday on Vickers Tree Radio. See behind the eyes

Vickers Tree Shamanism With Barbara Rector 4/3/2011 - Cynastry | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Barbara has developed the AIA/EEL Institute workshops and training seminars where the professional facilitation skills and teaching techniques of the AIA interactive equine exercises are learned and practiced. Educators, health, horse and other animal professionals are provided a residential experiential "learning through doing" opportunity to develop competency in the principles, theory, and practice of Equine Experiential Learning (EEL) and practice of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) utilizing the structural format of AIA. Barbara co-founded EFMHA (Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association), a section of NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped. She is both a NARHA and an EFMHA board member. Barbara serves on NARHA Ways and Means and Standards Committees and EFMHA's Curriculum Development and Standards Committees. Her first book, is The Handbook of Equine Experiential Learning - through the lens of ADVENTURES IN AWARENESS™. Book #2, AIA's JOURNEY RIDE is a work in progress. Barbara is a founding board member for Animal Therapy Association (ATA - recently fused with PAN) which seeks to develop animal assisted therapy as a profession, link existing 'model' practices, and generate educational degree programs. Barbara is also serving as Secretary on The Commission for Certification of Equine Facilitated Mental Health & Education Professionals.

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