Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd.: Mental Health Advocate Pleads, "Don't Let This Happen Again"

Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd.: Mental Health Advocate Pleads, "Don't Let This Happen Again"
Mar 17, 2011 16:07 ET

Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd.: Mental Health Advocate Pleads, "Don't Let This Happen Again"

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - March 17, 2011) - On March 22, 2011 Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd. (Truehope), a Canadian not for profit mental health support organization will return once more to the Federal Courts on behalf of Canadians. At issue is Health Canada's authority to remove safe and effective natural health products without evidence of harm or risk to consumers. In 2003, Health Canada injured Canadians when they seized and destroyed shipments of the Truehope formulation destined for former psychiatric patients, turned natural health consumers. Health Canada's actions left thousands of Canadians in physical distress causing multiple hospitalizations and suicide deaths.(1)

In 2004, after blocking access to the Truehope formula for over a year, Health Canada charged Truehope with the illegal sale of a drug. However, the court found Truehope innocent of all wrong doing and demanded the Truehope formula and program continue to be made available to Canadians. Furthermore, in his final judgment, the Judge concluded that even as Health Canada agents were denying access to the formula, they were fully aware that their actions would result in harm or danger to those who depended on the product for their health.(2) In the 2006 Alberta Court trial, the Canadian Mental Health Association's, Alberta Director, Ron Lajeunesse bore witness that because of Health Canada's actions in blocking access to the formula, innocent Canadians lost hope and committed suicide. (3)

Current Health Canada regulations grant bureaucrats authority to remove natural health products at their discretion without any accountability to Canadians for their actions.(4) Truehope is challenging that authority. "I lost my wife to suicide when her bipolar illness was untreatable with medication. We have other options now, proven effective. Any responsible regulatory body would assess the potential harm of making the product unavailable before they pulled it from the shelves. Health Canada did neither, and as a result, people were hurt; some people died." says Truehope co-founder and mental health advocate, Anthony Stephan. "Please, don't let this happen again," asks Stephan. "According to Health Canada statistics, 77% (of Canadians) believe Natural Health Products help maintain our good health. Some people really depend on Natural Health Products. We need to protect access to our choice of health care."

Truehope is the producer of Truehope EMP, a natural formula now available to Canadians. The Truehope formula has assisted over 80,000 people with mood disorders. Independent research has produced fourteen peer reviewed medical journal publishings, which have demonstrated the Truehope formula to be safe and effective.

The Court is open to public attendance daily from 9:00 a.m. The Truehope case commences at 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Calgary Federal Court, 300-635 8th Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB.

For full court documents or further comments please contact: Anthony Stephan

(1) Citation: R. v. Synergy Group of Canada, Inc., 2006 ABPC 196, pg 11-12 [45]

(2) Citation: R. v. Synergy Group of Canada, Inc., 2006 ABPC 196, pg 11-12 [45]

(3) Citation: R. v. Synergy Group of Canada, Inc., 2006 ABPC 196, pg 11-12 [45]

(4) Food and Drugs Act, sect. 23 (1)(d) and 26

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