Thursday, December 15, 2011

VICKERS TREE Finding the Right OM Manna with David Pilz 12/18 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

VICKERS TREE Finding the Right OM Manna with David Pilz 12/18 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

David Pilz returns to the Vickers Tree with stories of the elixirs of life. OmMANNA is one of the only natural manifestations of Monoatomic or Ormus GOLD found on the planet. The source is found on the sacred lands of the sanctioned Starnation Lodge and Ceremony grounds on OmHaven Ranch.

The White Gold Powder secret is a historic Quantum Physics Science kept alive throughout our many human incarnations and civilizations.
Restoration of Youth & Vitality
Specialty Sacrament, Elixir, Alchemy
Amplifies Medicinal Plants & Salves
Fuel Cells, Superconductivity
Cell Regeneration, Medicinal Applications
Ultimate Crop, Cattle & Produce Fertilizer
Metaphysical, ESP & Paranormal Awakening
Enhanced Performance, Health & Lifestyle
Fuels the Instant Manifestation of Thought
Nuclear Radiation Shield & Protection
OmMANNA is birthed and harvested right at the very source of its creation, from within the very heart of Mt. Ida as pure monatomic gold to be shared with humanity as an aid and response to current environmental conditions.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

VICKERS TREE- LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE 12/04 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

VICKERS TREE- LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE 12/04 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio “Let Food Be Your Medicine….”
Naturopath and Metaphysician, Malana Ashlie talks about the energy information of food and how that information forms who we are. Find out what makes us fat, what makes us unhealthy; what foods maintain life, what gives life and which foods take life away.
Malana Ashlie holds degrees in naturopathy, herbal sciences and a PhD in Metaphysics. She is a student of subtle energy and uses these sciences to enhance her spiritual gifts as an empath, and clairaudient. Her desire to discover the core of chronic disorders opened pathways to study with traditional Elders of Mayan and Hawaiian cultures along with teachers of sacred traditions of N. America. Melding sciences with the wisdom of the ancients creates the insight she offers in her writing, consultations, workshops and the retreats she facilitates. “ The answers to all is revealed as we learn to release the obvious.”

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

VICKERS TREE - MANIFESTING - The Gift That Is YOU 11/27 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

VICKERS TREE - MANIFESTING - The Gift That Is YOU 11/27 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio


The most beautiful gift you can give yourself this Christmas is discovering your inner power - and the ability that you have hidden deep within you to manifest and create whatever you want. This is the true gift of life. We all have it.

But where is it?

It seems that for so many people we spend our lives searching and searching for something on the outside, when the real answers are already there on the inside.

Special guest speaker Darren Little, CEO of MLM Superhero and co-author of MLM Affiliate Magic will talk about how to tap into your inner power, breathrough your fears, release your baggage and become a master manifester to create your own reality.

What is it that you truly want?

You have the answers within you. This may just be the key that will unlock your hidden treasure and open up a world of amazing possibilities

Darren Little,
MLM Superhero,
inner power, vision,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism Jan Diana on Loving Relationships 07/03 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism Jan Diana on Loving Relationships 07/03 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Finding the love you deserve when you are allowing only the very best in your life. Join us in the discussion of the 'YOU' in power.


It is my soul purpose to assist the evolving Masters of this world to remember that they are love. My purpose is to assist you.”


A highly intuitive healer and master practitioner that can easily identify the areas of limitation and blocks to your personal empowerment and the things that are blocking you from being able to reach the ideals that you are choosing.

Her life has been filled with the joy of discovering pathways that lead to solutions. She always had a sense that the truth is available and that there are always answers. Years ago I became very ill and was unable to find a quick solution. Through this experience, I began to understand that health, well-being and balance in my body and life, is a reflection of inner harmony.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism HEALING APPROACHES WITH STEFAN 06/12 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism HEALING APPROACHES WITH STEFAN 06/12 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

We welcome Stefan and his great experience in healing to the show. Everyone is talking healing these days let's hear what an expert has to say.

Stefan is a healer, teacher and motivational speaker. He has given many thousands of healings and likes to share his experience in order for people to find inspiration and healing.

To accomplish this, Stefan hosts the Shuem Soul Experience a radio show that explores wider states of being as a practical approach to experience greater oneness in our life personally and globally. The show includes a free healing session.

Stefan’s life changed rapidly when he met Shuem Healing in 1992. It soon became clear he has a special talent for healing one’s deeper feelings and emotions. Since then he has given many thousands of healing sessions and in 2000 started to teach the Professional Healer Training.

Clients and students experience Stefan’s approach as a great help to find a deeper sense of fulfillment, trust and openness in everyday life

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism Council Fire Along The Good Red Road 05/26 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism Council Fire Along The Good Red Road 05/26 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Virtual Sacred Lakota Pipe Ceremony

Come join Cynastry and Gary and be part of our circle, as we create sacred space. We will be performing a traditional Native American Lakota Cannupa Wakan (Sacred Pipe) ceremony. Let us all pray and set intentions for one another, for the earth, or for ourselves in this authentic ceremony. This ceremony will be done in the traditional Lakota manner. Please feel free to call in, or send prayers into the chat room to be read aloud on the air.

medicine wheel,
medicine man woman,
horses healing,

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Nadine May Ascension Author 05/22 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Nadine May Ascension Author 05/22 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Our Guest this week Nadine May. Her field of interest is the ascension journey. A visionary fiction author and the managing director of Kima Global Publisher's imprint: THE POWER OF WORDS. Together with her partner, Robin Beck, the publisher of Kima Global, they publish books that make a difference to peoples lives.

Awakening to ascension series have the following purpose..

First awakening novel The Awakening Clan Ingrid, one of Annelies students, writes how her reality changes due to her own desire to awaken her soul purpose. Annelies’ ascension workshop teaches types of decoding exercises in order to activate the genetic cellular memory of her students. The two follow up novels: The Astral Explorer and The Cosmic Traveller,

Once the human observer/ co-creator starts to understand why the 22 spacings,The Language of Light frequencies and the journals (novels) had to be written the way they are, the decoding student will awaken to the awareness that in order to manifest our Body Codes of Light, we need to restore our cellular memory back to the right frequencies. Only then will our light body template be restored back into its original blueprint.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism SPIRIT OF THE HORSE The New Myths of Equus 05/15 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism SPIRIT OF THE HORSE The New Myths of Equus 05/15 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio
The Spirit of the Horse: The New Myths of Equus. Cynastry will be discussing the book Spirit of the Horse with author Carole Devereux. She is a leadingAnimal Communication Consultant with a fifteen-year private practice. She has consulted with thousands of petowners, breeders and trainers in the United States, Europe, and Canada since 1995. Carole studied energy healing with world renown psychichealer Rosalyn Bruyere, and animal telepathy under the tutelage of pioneers in the field, Dr. Jeri Ryan and Penelope Smith. Carole maintains a consulting website, teaches college courses in animal communication, mentors students, and conducts residential retreats at her ten-acre farm, Highland Retreat in Washington state. Carole Devereux self-published her first book, "THE NW OREGON STABLE GUIDE: 100 BOARDING, BREEDING & TRAINING STABLES FOR HORSES" in 1995. It was reviewed as a bestseller in the Pacific Northwest. While writing her second book, "SPIRIT OF THE HORSE: The New Myths of Equus," Carole traveled to southern France to research the prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux, Pechle Merle, Font-de-Gaume and others near Les Eyzies in the Dordogne valley. It was then that she realized the important role that Shamanism, animal communication and horses would play in her spritiual journey. Carole lives with her husband Gregory Hunts, their two horses, two dogs, and two cats.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Rosanne Mancari 04/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Rosanne Mancari 04/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Rosanne is Interior Salish, First Nations, her band being Lower Nicola, B.C. She was born in Kamloops B.C. and lived in Merritt, moving to Ontario as a teenager. For approximately 30 years Rosanne has been working with medically fragile children. Rosanne says, “I have been using my “Creator-given” healing gift for many years. I received my teachings during my dream time. There has been tremendous growth over the years and I now have both clairvoyant and clairaudient capabilities. Often while working with a client I will accurately “hear” messages from spirit, which I share with their loved ones. While working with my guide, ‘Running Bear’, I am able to see the energy moving inside the body and energetically work on the areas where we detect problems. Chakras are checked and rebalanced if necessary. I feel very connected to our Mother Earth and to all that the Creator has provided. “ Rosanne has been invited by Liz Mitten Ryan to be a practitioner at an E.A.R.T.H. retreat at Gateway 2 Ranch