Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Nadine May Ascension Author 05/22 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Nadine May Ascension Author 05/22 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Our Guest this week Nadine May. Her field of interest is the ascension journey. A visionary fiction author and the managing director of Kima Global Publisher's imprint: THE POWER OF WORDS. Together with her partner, Robin Beck, the publisher of Kima Global, they publish books that make a difference to peoples lives.

Awakening to ascension series have the following purpose..

First awakening novel The Awakening Clan Ingrid, one of Annelies students, writes how her reality changes due to her own desire to awaken her soul purpose. Annelies’ ascension workshop teaches types of decoding exercises in order to activate the genetic cellular memory of her students. The two follow up novels: The Astral Explorer and The Cosmic Traveller,

Once the human observer/ co-creator starts to understand why the 22 spacings,The Language of Light frequencies and the journals (novels) had to be written the way they are, the decoding student will awaken to the awareness that in order to manifest our Body Codes of Light, we need to restore our cellular memory back to the right frequencies. Only then will our light body template be restored back into its original blueprint.

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