Saturday, December 3, 2011

VICKERS TREE- LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE 12/04 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

VICKERS TREE- LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE 12/04 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio “Let Food Be Your Medicine….”
Naturopath and Metaphysician, Malana Ashlie talks about the energy information of food and how that information forms who we are. Find out what makes us fat, what makes us unhealthy; what foods maintain life, what gives life and which foods take life away.
Malana Ashlie holds degrees in naturopathy, herbal sciences and a PhD in Metaphysics. She is a student of subtle energy and uses these sciences to enhance her spiritual gifts as an empath, and clairaudient. Her desire to discover the core of chronic disorders opened pathways to study with traditional Elders of Mayan and Hawaiian cultures along with teachers of sacred traditions of N. America. Melding sciences with the wisdom of the ancients creates the insight she offers in her writing, consultations, workshops and the retreats she facilitates. “ The answers to all is revealed as we learn to release the obvious.”

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