Thursday, August 14, 2014

Seeing a site for sore eyes... can this be legal? We will hear more

Truman Berst WILL BE  live on Vickers Tree Radio
Link to live show/page.

Truman states," I have over 50 years experience as a host, and guest on Radio, TV, and Internet Blogs. I provide natural health care education as an expert who answers spontaneous questions without prescribing or diagnosing. I have never charged anyone, all consultations are Not For Profit. I recently defeated the FDA in court without an attorney."
Thank you,
Bishop Dr. Truman Berst
Connect on the click through link to view product lists and site.

Master Herbalist
Bishop Dr. Truman Berst
Dr. Berst encourages people to keep the faith, and answers health questions with explicit answers, and always no charge for 53 years. He is blessed with extra ordinary youth and appearance.
Dr. Berst started his training in 1961 with Dr. Norma Myers, Master Herbalist and Dean of Green Shores Herbal College in Vancouver, B.C. Dr. Myers was an Iroquois Native American, and a close friend of Nurse Renee Cassie. Dr. Berst continued his research with Dr. Myers until her death in 1988, when she gave him Power of Attorney to carry on her Christian Ministry of Natural Health Research and Education. He received a BS, Masters, and Ph.D. from Green Shores Herbal College in Ethnobotany and Phytotherapy. He is also a graduate Master Herbalist, Chartered Herbalist and Master Herbologist. He also received his Credentials of Ministry and Bishops Certificate from The Christian Heritage Institute, Florence, Oregon.
In the last 53 years, Dr. Berst has researched and studied with many of the world’s greatest advocates of natural healing, including Dr. John R. Christopher. He also was an herbal consultant for Nature’s Herbs. Dr. Berst founded Health & Herbs a not for profit Unincorporated Association that is an outreach of Good Shepherd Ministries. He is a member of the, American Herb Association, American Botanical Council, and Herb Research Foundation. He has created more than 12,000 natural remedies in the forms of extracts, teas, powders, salves, creams, lotions, capsules and tablets and more.
Dr. Berst has dedicated his life to Good Shepherd Ministries, researching natural health remedies, making herbal medicine, and giving information to the public, in the form of classes, consultations, and radio, TV, blogs and an Internet presence. The Dr. Berst’s LIVE CONSULTS - website has many hours of archived radio, TV, Utube, and blog broadcasts, all educational information which can be easily downloaded.
• Master Herbalist: 1979-Present.
Founder/CEO/President - Alternative Health & Herbs Remedies: Albany, OR, 2000-Present
Founder/CEO/President - American Health & Herbs: Philomath, OR, 1992-1999
Founder/CEO/President - American Naturals: Philomath, OR 1981-1991
Executive Director of Sales - Master Herbalist Nature’s Herbs: Orem, UT, 1979-1981
• Medicinal Plant Researcher: 1961-1988
Studied under Dr. Norma Meyers, Dean of Green Shores Herbal College
• Sales Manager: 1961-1978
Sunstar, Seattle, WA. Locally distributing health food throughout Washington.
Radio: 1999-Present. I do many random guest appearances. I Spontaneously answer health questions.
• Regular Guest Speaker, GOCC , International – America and U.K.
• Regular Guest Speaker, One Radio Network’s The Patrick Timpone Show: Dripping Springs, TX, 2012-Present
• Regular Guest Speaker, Home and Garden Radio with Michael Crose: Orlando, FL, 1999-Present
• Creator and Host, Truth Radio Network’s Discoveries in Health: Corvallis, OR 2005-2010
Television: 1995-Present. Appeared on live shows and still does random events. About the use of natural remedies, answering live spontaneous health questions.
• Guest, Trinity Broadcasting Network’s The Dr. Whitaker Show: Irving, TX, 1999
I was to tape one episode and it went so well we taped three. Just before his death, they were broadcasted worldwide. Topic was the use of natural remedies. I received over 50,000 letters.
• Regular Guest, Maureen Salaman Show: Los Angeles, CA, 1995-1999
masterherbalist: Skype

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fields in the Wake of Calling: Robbie Thomas Interview

cvtCynastry “VICKERS TREE” ON SEPIA RADIO  takes you deep into the psychic investigation of his mind. We are calling in ~


Robbie Thomas! An accomplished world-renowned Best Selling Author, Screenwriter, Producer and a Psychic Criminal Profiler. He actively works with many Law Enforcement Agencies and families internationally, assisting with murder/missing person’s cases. Robbie is one of the most sought after Psychic/Mediums today in the Paranormal/Spiritual Fields because of his ability to help solve crime cases so proficiently. His track record is one that is impressive by all accounts, which has led to endorsements by Law Enforcement, Families, and the Entertainment Field.


He has worked with many integral individuals within the paranormal community, and has being featured in two critically acclaimed hit movies. He’s been on several one hour television specials that has seen him on NBC, ABC, CBS, CTV (New R.O.), Rogers Television, Star Choice Satellite, Bell Express View Satellite, CBS Radio and more. Robbie is an outstanding professional motivational speaker in the metaphysical/spiritual/paranormal industry speaking on various topics within the field of work and that of Psychic Profiling working on murder/missing persons cases. Robbie’s credibility of not only working with Law Enforcement, but that of within the film and television industry keeps him busy working and being sought after by many for his expertise. He’s been featured in many magazines worldwide, notables would be, Taps Paranormal Magazine (United States), Suspense Magazine(United States), Pen It Magazine (United States), Signs Magazine (United States), Paranormal Magazine (England), Unexplained Paranormal Magazine (United States), Haunted Times Magazine (United States), Silent Voices (England), Visions Magazine (United States) Music Industry Magazine (United States), Invest UK Publishing (England) and many more.image

Networks Robbie Has Appeared On For 1 Hour Specials Or In Depth Interviews

Robbie's Library Of Books He's Written









This episode of Vickers Tree was broadcast in British Columbia Canada, Vancouver’s it is actually called Super Natural BC. This show Nadine May from Kima Global is our guest.  Her new novel traverses, time lines and space in worlds beyond worlds.  We discuss the scope of such a project and the social consciousness to support this ascension to understand such curiosities.
Most people today know me as Nadine May. I was born in Holland, emigrated to Australia with my first husband and baby girl Sandra. Our son Dennis was born and after 5 years we returned to Holland and that same year we settled in Port ElizabethSouth Africa.
My writing career started when I won a S.A literary award in 1999 for the first chapter of a novel.
In 2000 A friend recommended that I should send my manuscript titled: My love we are going home, to Kima Global Publishers.
In 2001 I moved to Cape Town to join Robin in his publishing company.Today I’m still very involved as the Creative director of Kima Global Publishers.
My first novel was later ( 2007) republished under the title: The Awakening Clan

My Awakening to ascension series have the following purpose..
In my first awakening novel The Awakening Clan Ingrid, one of Annelies students, writes how her reality changes due to her own desire to awaken her soul purpose. Annelies’ ascension workshop teaches types of decoding exercises in order to activate the genetic cellular memory of her students.
The two follow up novels: The Astral Explorer and The Cosmic Traveller, Richard writes his version on how Annelies’ awakening card game titled: the Eye of the observer show that our reality is a holographic third dimensional game.
Annelies her journal Vanishing Worlds continues the adventure by journeying into the cells of the body to discover what exactly biological consciousness is. Annelies is the ascension workshop facilitator and author of the workbook: The decoding of our body codes of light.
Once the human observer/ co-creator starts to understand why the 22 spacings,The Language of Light frequencies and the journals (novels) had to be written the way they are, the decoding student will awaken to the awareness that in order to manifest our Body Codes of Light, we need to restore our cellular memory back to the right frequencies. Only then will our light body template be restored back into its original blueprint.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We are taking you on a journey to South Africa into the wilds of your soul and the continent of dreams. Here you will find refuge in the great care of Marina Visser, a ranger of the Kruger Parkland and caretaker of the Bushveld. There have been so many stories across the world,
let’s go to the heart of it now.Marina Visser and African Elephants
Vickers Tree spotlights the world of life in the wilderness of Africa with you(JUNE  26TH) WED. AT 5PMON WWW.SEPIANC.COM/RADIOyour host Cynastry will make the trip with you tonight creating a new path in understanding our friends of the wild! Marina was last here with us on April 10. Marina has been doing four day backpacking adventures lately that she will share with us here “Live”
Located on a 2000 hectare Bushveld property, owned by the Sandford Community Trust. Animals in AfricaHorseWhispers is a company that offers a wide variety of horse trails and offer underprivilegedchildren the opportunity to work with horses. The relationship between Sandford community andHorse Whispers is one of the few successful land reformed cases. The community receives amonthly rental income while the horses are able to roam across hills and valleys, feel the windand the sun, and enjoy interaction with people in a loving environment.
Marina Visser: Marina Visser is the owner of Horse Whispers( and Walking Trails Kruger National Park (, has recently obtained a Central Vet Franchise in Hazy View. She completed her National Diploma in Nature Conservation in 2001, her FGASA level 3, SKS in 2003, and has extensive experience of conducting walking safaris in the Kruger National Park. She completed her Baccalaureus Technologies in
in Animal Health with a two year research study on the stress levels of six trained African elephants. She was also part of a white rhinoceros translocation exercise, moving over a 120 white rhinoceros to a safer property due to the increase poaching. She also has knowledge and experience in livestock husbandry, works in liaison with veterinarians, and has started a community project in Lilydale (close to Paul Kruger Gate), advising the local farmers on the well-being of their livestock.
Donations are welcome!

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


cvtSound and Healing how are they connected? Is it impacting all of us? We are exposed to so many vibrations in a day how can we support our own vibration to stay high enough to live a life of mastery? WE are here today with Sheryl Bishop and some sound tracks of Jill Mattson. Wednesday, 5PM Mountain and 7PM Eastern

We are welcoming back Sheryl to offer new light into this conversation.

Sheryl is a Leading Edge Thinker, supporting women and students to raise their level of consciousness, so they can understand:
- Who They Really Are,
- What they Really want and are capable of
- How to Shift Their World into the reality they prefer and work from the knowing thatWork should never be a necessary burden, but should reflect your Souls Effortless Journey, proving work is
Love & Joy, Made Visible.Izmir, Turkey

Born and educated in South Africa, USA, Australia and England, Sheryl has travelled and lived in many cultures, such as The Zulu Kingdom in South Africa, Turkey & China.
She has spent the last 30 years on her own Journey into Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit and been on TV and the media in South Africa which was her home until she married an American and is now living and working here.

Certified in many areas, including:
- Energy Healer, NLP Practitioner
- Stress Release Specialist,
- Mind Set for Success Coach & Consultant
- Chopra Centre Instructor and meditation teacher.

Her work is based on profound meetings and working with
- Nelson Mandela, Eileen Caddy of Findhorn, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Dr Deepak Chopra, Rev. Desmond Tutu and many other incredible beings who guided her into being more than she ever thought she could possibly be.

as well as her incredible spiritual journey which took her from believing she was One of God’s Rejects – to knowing God Makes No Mistakes, her Life-Journey prepared her to Serve, by sharing her story and the lessons that helped move her life out of Mental Stress & Scarcity,
into the life of a Happy, fulfilled, Abundant Millionaire-ess, with homes in Texas & The winelands of S Africa.


PHONE 404 399 3904 and 678 630 9834

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fields in the Wake of Calling: Robbie Thomas Interview

cvtCynastry “VICKERS TREE” ON SEPIA RADIO  takes you deep into the psychic investigation of his mind. We are calling in ~


Robbie Thomas! An accomplished world-renowned Best Selling Author, Screenwriter, Producer and a Psychic Criminal Profiler. He actively works with many Law Enforcement Agencies and families internationally, assisting with murder/missing person’s cases. Robbie is one of the most sought after Psychic/Mediums today in the Paranormal/Spiritual Fields because of his ability to help solve crime cases so proficiently. His track record is one that is impressive by all accounts, which has led to endorsements by Law Enforcement, Families, and the Entertainment Field.


He has worked with many integral individuals within the paranormal community, and has being featured in two critically acclaimed hit movies. He’s been on several one hour television specials that has seen him on NBC, ABC, CBS, CTV (New R.O.), Rogers Television, Star Choice Satellite, Bell Express View Satellite, CBS Radio and more. Robbie is an outstanding professional motivational speaker in the metaphysical/spiritual/paranormal industry speaking on various topics within the field of work and that of Psychic Profiling working on murder/missing persons cases. Robbie’s credibility of not only working with Law Enforcement, but that of within the film and television industry keeps him busy working and being sought after by many for his expertise. He’s been featured in many magazines worldwide, notables would be, Taps Paranormal Magazine (United States), Suspense Magazine(United States), Pen It Magazine (United States), Signs Magazine (United States), Paranormal Magazine (England), Unexplained Paranormal Magazine (United States), Haunted Times Magazine (United States), Silent Voices (England), Visions Magazine (United States) Music Industry Magazine (United States), Invest UK Publishing (England) and many more.image

Networks Robbie Has Appeared On For 1 Hour Specials Or In Depth Interviews

Robbie's Library Of Books He's Written