Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Live at 7 pm. EST.

Jill Mattson: Author, Composer and Artist shed light from ancient sound to todays world the new vibration of the healthy body.  We are light and sound the very frequency of the universe.cvt

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award). The CD's consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.

Her cutting edge music includes: Sound Based Beauty Treatments, Frequencies of Flower Essences (emotional catharsis & virtue building), Celestial music with Tones from ancient Egypt and Celestial Bodies, Solfeggio/Reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones, Binaural Beats & Meditative Music, Countering Negative Astrological Energies, Ascended Master & and Angelic Channeled Energies, Ancient Languages of Light and more! These multilayered, multidimensional, deep layered, soulful works will uplift your heart - while offering a myriad of benefits.

Jill lectures throughout the United States on "Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing" taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the healing power of sound. She unveils secrets from ancient cultures as well as the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible potential and healing capabilities of sound, including how sound travels through your body. Jill draws on her extensive research of modern Sound Healing, and over 20 year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her music, lectures, workshops and writings.

Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her in-depth studies and work. Also available on the sites are additional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. (bottom of home page), and

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