Monday, March 4, 2013

MAHENDRA TRIVEDI Super Natural Healing


Cynastry is finding the super in natural as it pertains to living an extraordinary experience. We are back here this week on Vickers Tree with Mr. Trivedi. He is an Energy Transmission healer from India. Mr. Trivedi’s unique healing takes us out of ordinary alternative health healing techniques into the realm of scientifically tested quantified results and these results have been astounding. click picture to go to show!


Show broadcast live March 6th 5pm. MST and 7pm EST.  Listen from your Phone  get the APP.



Mahendra Trivedi is recognized throughout the world for his powerful Energy Transmissions, known as the Trivedi Effect®. The experiences of close to 150,000 individuals have demonstrated the impact of the Trivedi Effect® on human wellness and nearly 4,000 scientific studies have proven that the impact extends beyond humans to plants, animals, microbes and even non-living materials. The power of these Transmissions to transform living and non-living matter for a higher purpose continues to astound the scientific community.

As a child, Mr. Trivedi exhibited unique abilities and extraordinarily high levels of perception and intelligence. As time went on, although he appeared to lead a normal life, he continued to become more and more aware of the extent of these abilities. Then, one night in 1995 he received "guidance" that these gifts were now to be used for the welfare of humankind. He didn't hesitate to give up all that was familiar and embark on this new mission.

Mr. Trivedi says that it is Universal Intelligence that guides him and has directed him to work with researchers around the world. His work within the international scientific community is extensive and ongoing and constitutes an invaluable database for scientists attempting to understand the power of consciousness.

Mr. Trivedi’s mission, and that of the Trivedi Organization, is to utilize the Trivedi Effect® to usher in a new era that integrates scientific research with consciousness to vastly improve the human condition and benefit humanity on a global scale.


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