Sunday, March 31, 2013



JOURNEYS OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL EXPLORERS.”  (Click picture to go to show page)
phone apps here:

JOIN CYNASTRY IN THIS CURIOUS AND MOST ENLIGHTENING SHOW AS WE SEEK OUT UNTOLD MYSTERIES of their journey into the paranormal, across continents and through time. We are the explorers in this time and space. We promise this to be exquisite conversation, so grab a coffee or tea and settle in.  This show airs live at 5pm MST and 7pm EST.


 In the meantime, go to Joshua’s home page and grab a copy of his free eBook and sign up for the newsletter.  You are going to want to be on top of this discussion, so be prepared.
The Crystal Skull World Peace Meditations
Are the skulls calling you to better understand your role in this life time?   How far will we go? Do you have questions? Write to me, join our chat room on show page.
Indiana Jones film made the story of the Crystal Skulls known, Joshua and Katrina live it. They have traveled around the globe listening to the secret call from these unearthly artifacts. What are they saying to you? Can you hear the call? I know after meeting these authors I was haunted by a calling.  Interestingly, it was the name Katrina that kept interfering with my train of thought.  When I shared that with Joshua… he suggested it was probably one of the skulls. So I had to find out.  Who has been calling me? Is this how the mystery begins? Can you hear them? Can you feel their presence?
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Listen to internet radio with Cynastry on Blog Talk Radio

Join Cynastry and Sheryl as they discuss Izmir, Turkeythe Essential Secrets to your achieving success in any of the many healing modalities available these days.
Do you ever wonder:   So many to choose from! Which is better? Feel overwhelmed with all the techniques out there?
Then make sure you join us on the show, at this evening, to learn the secrets of making them work for you.
Enjoy a vibrant and informative discussion about how to make your 'Evolutionary Journey into Healing your life', a joyful & successful journey, by understanding the Secrets behind Genuine Self Healing.
Sheryl is a Certified Chopra Center Meditation Teacher and a Mind Set for Success & Spiritual Solutions Coach, and who has been teaching internationally for 20 years.

Based on their Personal Experiences of healing   Cynastry and Sheryl will share the Secrets to Success, they discovered along their own Healing Paths.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Galactic News with Archangel Richard

CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE STATION! Richard has a message for us this day and it is all about you.  The you that you came here to be in this timeline, in this reality, enjoying the ebb and flow of your new life. We have seen things, heard things ,stranger than fiction and now a commitment to open ourselves to the gift of light being available to all is offered this hour.  You are ALL welcome here under the Tree “VICKERS TREE” WITH YOUR HOST CYNASTRYcvtclick picture to go to show page.  This edition airs live Wed. @ 5pm MST and & 7pm EST.

A Message from ANGELS of LIGHT: "Talk about OBEDIENCE to LOVE not to fear" & so it is... Become Member at: My dear friends, we love you so very much. Today we are going to speak of obedience. It is a word which, for many of you, conjures up images of sitting up straight in school and having to listen to your parents, teachers, and authority figures. It is a word that often brings memories of reward or punishment, or not-so-pleasant memories of being forced to behave in ways that you felt were rigid or confining. It is a word used to describe the behaviors of those who serve in religious orders, and a word otherwise not often used in spiritual circles.
Published on 2 Dec 2012
Part 1 of 11 Film Series "WE ARE ALL ONE" my personal JOURNEY on how did I AWAKEN? & Who Helped me to get here!... is READY TODAY! :P sign-up at: WeAreALLONeMoViE . com/joinus
Much Blessings! Divine Light! & Divine Cosmic LoVe! to You!
Namaste. In LaK'eSh aLa KiN. xo. Richard Archangel.
Truth Warrior. Film Maker. WATCH PART 2 of 11 by 12.12.12. If You Donate $20 or more at: WeAreALLONeMoViE .com

Monday, March 4, 2013

MAHENDRA TRIVEDI Super Natural Healing


Cynastry is finding the super in natural as it pertains to living an extraordinary experience. We are back here this week on Vickers Tree with Mr. Trivedi. He is an Energy Transmission healer from India. Mr. Trivedi’s unique healing takes us out of ordinary alternative health healing techniques into the realm of scientifically tested quantified results and these results have been astounding. click picture to go to show!


Show broadcast live March 6th 5pm. MST and 7pm EST.  Listen from your Phone  get the APP.



Mahendra Trivedi is recognized throughout the world for his powerful Energy Transmissions, known as the Trivedi Effect®. The experiences of close to 150,000 individuals have demonstrated the impact of the Trivedi Effect® on human wellness and nearly 4,000 scientific studies have proven that the impact extends beyond humans to plants, animals, microbes and even non-living materials. The power of these Transmissions to transform living and non-living matter for a higher purpose continues to astound the scientific community.

As a child, Mr. Trivedi exhibited unique abilities and extraordinarily high levels of perception and intelligence. As time went on, although he appeared to lead a normal life, he continued to become more and more aware of the extent of these abilities. Then, one night in 1995 he received "guidance" that these gifts were now to be used for the welfare of humankind. He didn't hesitate to give up all that was familiar and embark on this new mission.

Mr. Trivedi says that it is Universal Intelligence that guides him and has directed him to work with researchers around the world. His work within the international scientific community is extensive and ongoing and constitutes an invaluable database for scientists attempting to understand the power of consciousness.

Mr. Trivedi’s mission, and that of the Trivedi Organization, is to utilize the Trivedi Effect® to usher in a new era that integrates scientific research with consciousness to vastly improve the human condition and benefit humanity on a global scale.
