Sunday, January 6, 2013

Politics In Healing: Cures for Cancer banned in USA for political reasons. - 01/06/13

Politics In Healing: Cures for Cancer banned in USA for political reasons. - 01/06/13

Why does one American die of cancer every minute?
That's 1,440 a day, or the equivalent of three fully loaded 747's crashing and killing everybody aboard every day!  That's 10,000 a week - 500,000 a year - every year - ten times the number who died in Vietnam.  For them we have a wall, but where is the memorial to the cancer deaths?  Have you lost a loved one to cancer?  Who hasn't?  We have a War on Cancer, but the more money we spend on cancer, the more people die of it.
READ WHY we don't have effective Non-toxic cancer cures.  Read about cancer cures which were and still are being relentlessly suppressed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA).  The only harm they would do would be to drug company profits.
Why does one American die every 3-5 minutes (100,000-150,000 a year) from the effects of FDA-approved, pharmaceutical drugs, used as directed?
This is 3-5 times the number who die each year from illegal street drugs!  For those, we have a drug czar, but it appears we have only indifference for the 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 Americans who died over the past decade from the effects of legal drugs -- a veritable drug-company-FDA-generated Holocaust?  Where is the memorial, where is the march on Washington in protest over these?  The more FDA employees, the more people die from the drugs FDA approves.
What is the solution?
Not more money for bureaucrats, but freedom from bureaucrats.  The U.S. has one of the most (probably the most) heavily and tightly regulated medical systems in the world, dictated from the top down by the FDA and the AMA.  In computers, we move with lightning speed, but our economy would look like the Soviet Union if it were regulated like healthcare.  We'd still be using punch cards if IBM had had an FDA to protect it (as the drug companies do)!
The Author's RX:

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