Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seeking the Celestial Sounds of Enlightenment 12/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Seeking the Celestial Sounds of Enlightenment 12/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Guests on Vickers Tree Anna Homler and Andrew Ramer

Author Two Flutes Playing, a Lambda Literary Award finalist, White Crane Books

Revelations for a New Millennium, Harper San Francisco

Angel Answers, Pocket Books

Ask Your Angels, with Alma Daniel and Timothy Wyllie, Ballantine Books

The Spiritual Dimensions of Healing Addictions, and Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions, with Donna Cunningham, Cassandra Press

little pictures: fiction for a new age, Ballantine Books

Presented by Nonsequitur & Seattle Occultural Music.

Los Angeles vocalist Anna Homler sings in alternative languages that extend the possibilities of meaning and communication with a sensibility that is both ancient and post-modern, blurring the line between words and music. Tonight she is joined by some of Seattle's finest experimental musicians: Amy Denio, Lori Goldston, Byron Au Yong, Doug Haire, and Susie Kozawa.

Since 1982 Anna Homler has performed throughout Europe and the USA, collaborating with composers and musicians Steve Moshier, David Moss, Steve Roden, David Moss, Viola Kramer, Voices of Kwahn, Axel Otto, Frank Schulte, Geert Waegerman and Pavel Fajt, among many others. As a visual artist, her ongoing performance/installation Pharmacia Poetica examines the symbolic and tonal qualities of words and objects. She is presently recording a new album with Seattle musicians as part of an Artist Assistance residency at Jack Straw Productions.

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