Friday, December 28, 2012

Idle No More

Idle No More A Call Out of Extreme Importance & Significance from our Dear Friend EMIL BELL

Christmas has always been one of the saddest day of my life, my "Mother" made the journey to the spirit world on Christmas day in 1951. I was nine years when this happened and the most excruciating pain you could experience, with time the pain is bearable, but I still experience a deep sadness. The principal of the Beauval Indian Residential School wouldn't allow me to go to the funeral of my "Mother". We are in the process of the Truth and Reconciliation and I still don't get what that was all about, do we forgive our oppressers? Few of the oppressers fall into the catagory of psychopaths and sociopaths and have no feelings for what they do. The majority have feelings and they have this man made ritual of confessing. They go through the act of confessing for their horrendous crimes against humanity, and they are told, say three hail mary's and one, our father and your sins are forgiven. But they keep coming back again and again and again and confessing for the same crimes, the confessional is a revolving door. These crimes or sins fall under the catagory of the assimilation policy, white paper policy, the buffalo jump etc. They are all an attack on the identity, language, culture, family, belief system etc. The pope, steve harper made a public confession and people rejoiced, harper apologized to the Aboriginal People for past sin committed by past governments and other people, intending on getting, all the land and resources from Aboriginal People. It was not an apology, it was, damage control, a public relation scheme. Greed, short sighted vision (to the closest Bank), and no value on human life are very powerful forces that drive people like steven harper and his croonies and the multi national corporations. I thank the "Creator" and the GrandMothers/Fathers for the gifted, four poweful Young Women of the "Idle No More" movement and the many other Powerful Women/Men who have come into my life. These Young Women have conducted themselves in a manner that is very admirable. These are the true leaders, in the struggle for "Mother Earth", the other life forms that have sustained us from the begining of time and for our Children, GrandChildren and the ones, not yet born. At this time allow me, the opportunity to thank my "Mother" GrandMother(s), GreatGrandMother(s), Aunts, my biological Daughter, and my two adopted Daughters, Grand Children and Nosismak, for helping me for what I am. And, I thank you for not taking my right to be sad for the loss of my "Mother", on this day.

Four (4) Founding Woman of Idle No More (L-R)
Sheelah McLean, Nina Wilson,  Sylvia McAdam,  & Jessica Gordon
The four Young Women came at a very opportune time, and they are a gift from the "Creator", as are all the other Women who have supported the movement in the struggle against the distruction of "Mother Earth" and the elimination of future generations.

It is with this in mind, on New Years Day, I'm humbly putting out this request to Women/Men Pipe Carries, Keepers of the Sacred Bundles, Sweat Lodge Operaters, the many gifted with Sacred Ceremonies, to lite up the Sacred Fires and Pray so that we can save "Mother Earth" from further distruction, for Future Generation.

For me to say that, I'm not afraid to die, I wouldn't be honest. As I stated, when I began the hunger strike (on the 12th of December) if we do not see anything positive, thirty days after the start on Jan. 10/13, I'm willing to give my life so future generations can survive and enjoy the many gifts from the "Creator". I have a lot of very good reason to want to live, and I have a lot of faith in all of the Aboriginal People and our Sisters and Brothers of other color, who are in this struggle to save "Mother Earth" for those that are living and those not yet born.

Thank You and keep the movement Peaceful, our Children are watching, via "Mother Earth" and Future Generations.

Elder Emil Bell

Emil Bell went on hunger strike December 11, 2012 in support of Chief Theresa Spence and all the reasons people of Idle No More began, please see the initial Post made on this website for more information:

As the other Administrator, I apologize for any confusion ~ Shannon Houle
Links to this post

Friday, December 21, 2012

BODIES OF LIGHT 21.12 CELEBRATION 12/20 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

BODIES OF LIGHT 21.12 CELEBRATION 12/20 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio Cynastry and the Vickers Tree are honoured to share the journey of this Celebration. Lee Vickers is the author of Bodies of Light. He is part of the evolution  in Holistic Healingthat is happening RIGHT NOW!  
RIGHT NOW! Across the WORLD there is a "shift" happening. You have probably even noticed this shift within yourself.  You have known all along there was an "energy" there that did more than what was widely recognized. It's like an intuition that one knows IS.You just know intuitively that this is how things must have always been.  He puts all the pieces of the puzzle togetherso that you are at CAUSE over your own health and life!
THURSDAY 12.20.12
5:00 PM - 12:00PM

Come to all or part, you are completely welcome to arrive at your time!

5:00PM   Subscara Clearing
8:30PM   Prosperity Consciousness
9:30PM   Mayan Time Meditation
10:30PM Tree of Life Candlelight Ceremony
11:00PM Peace Now Class
12:00PM Peace Now Ceremony

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seeking the Celestial Sounds of Enlightenment 12/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Seeking the Celestial Sounds of Enlightenment 12/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Guests on Vickers Tree Anna Homler and Andrew Ramer

Author Two Flutes Playing, a Lambda Literary Award finalist, White Crane Books

Revelations for a New Millennium, Harper San Francisco

Angel Answers, Pocket Books

Ask Your Angels, with Alma Daniel and Timothy Wyllie, Ballantine Books

The Spiritual Dimensions of Healing Addictions, and Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions, with Donna Cunningham, Cassandra Press

little pictures: fiction for a new age, Ballantine Books

Presented by Nonsequitur & Seattle Occultural Music.

Los Angeles vocalist Anna Homler sings in alternative languages that extend the possibilities of meaning and communication with a sensibility that is both ancient and post-modern, blurring the line between words and music. Tonight she is joined by some of Seattle's finest experimental musicians: Amy Denio, Lori Goldston, Byron Au Yong, Doug Haire, and Susie Kozawa.

Since 1982 Anna Homler has performed throughout Europe and the USA, collaborating with composers and musicians Steve Moshier, David Moss, Steve Roden, David Moss, Viola Kramer, Voices of Kwahn, Axel Otto, Frank Schulte, Geert Waegerman and Pavel Fajt, among many others. As a visual artist, her ongoing performance/installation Pharmacia Poetica examines the symbolic and tonal qualities of words and objects. She is presently recording a new album with Seattle musicians as part of an Artist Assistance residency at Jack Straw Productions.