Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Therapeutic Approach For a Balanced Life 10/25 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

A Therapeutic Approach For a Balanced Life 10/25 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio.
Cynastry welcomes Angie Payne to the Tree today. Angie believes that with the help of horses we can learn to live a more balanced life: emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Her therapeutic approach is an equine facilitated, exploratory and experiential process encouraging a true transformation in the thinking habits of the client. Negative experiences and traumatic events often fill us with problematic stories about who we are; Angie encourages her clients to recognize who they are in the present moment. She guides her clients through exploring the choices they have made or are currently making, developing awareness and integrating an action-based plan in working towards their future aspirations. Clients are empowered to create, for themselves, the positive life they want to live.


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