Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DANCING WITH THE INTUITION 11/01 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

DANCING WITH THE INTUITION 11/01 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Cynastry welcomes Shera to the show. Here the dance of the mind transforms the moment with a spirited discussion on gifts of a natural kind.  Shera was born Roberta Flynne Motherwell.  Prior to moving into her passion of the intuitive arts, 

Shera began working as a professional clairvoyant in 1983. She has done intuitive consulting sessions throughout Western Canada, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Eastern Canada, the United States, and Bermuda. She has participated in radio-television open line talk shows reading voice energy and answering listener’s questions. These shows have also been heard from Baltimore, Maryland through to the west coast. Shera appeared as a regular on Charles Adler’s Hot Talk show.

Her experience is diverse - ranging from clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, numerology, psychometry, auric fields, mediumship, palmistry, chakras, channelling healing energies, to dream interpretations and hypnosis. She studied gestalt, dream analogy, colour, sound and vibration, intuitive awareness with Patricia Hayes (who was mentored by medium, Arthur Ford). Farrell has taught classes in intuitive awareness. Shera reads from the auric energy field which is the energy emanating from the person or surrounding the individual. The aura enables her to see relationships and their dynamics surrounding the individual. This aids her with coaching in relationship interactions. Shera speaks about future, existing and former relationships. She also communicates with loved ones that have passed.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Day After Impact 10/24 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

A Day After Impact 10/24 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio A Goddess connection. Join two women as they share their journey to wholeness. Sheryl and Cynastry discuss the gifts that come with the transition into personal empowerment. 
These have been tumultuous times for many people and it is not often understood why during the process things can seem so hard to traverse. Yet with courage, joy and laughter the outcomes are beyond our expectation in rewards.
This is our story.
Sheryl is a member of theVickerTree.com  network please join us there.
Sheryl can be reached.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Therapeutic Approach For a Balanced Life 10/25 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

A Therapeutic Approach For a Balanced Life 10/25 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio.
Cynastry welcomes Angie Payne to the Tree today. Angie believes that with the help of horses we can learn to live a more balanced life: emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Her therapeutic approach is an equine facilitated, exploratory and experiential process encouraging a true transformation in the thinking habits of the client. Negative experiences and traumatic events often fill us with problematic stories about who we are; Angie encourages her clients to recognize who they are in the present moment. She guides her clients through exploring the choices they have made or are currently making, developing awareness and integrating an action-based plan in working towards their future aspirations. Clients are empowered to create, for themselves, the positive life they want to live.
