Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dragon Energy

Dragon Energy
Whales and Dragons are from a matrix beyond human thinking.
Yet, when we intuitively feel from the heart... here they are; the Gate Keepers of our next journeys.
These Masters of Peace and Light will show us how to direct Energy for Creation.
Discovering energetic portals in Nature is leading us into the vast and infinite realms beyond our current perception.
Jean-Luc reveals the encoded messages and holographic patterns he has uncovered through his explorations. His 40 years spent swimming with wild dolphins and whales have inspired some of his most provocative work. From a very young age, Jean-Luc had the ability to access the memory of other lives beyond this linear timeline and beyond this time/space reality. This skill is best revealed in his "Transmuteo" DVD, which takes audiences on an interactive evolutionary voyage through the micro and macro dimensions of existence and into the embryo of divine creation itself.
Now the adventure continues with his encounter with Dragon: this film is still in progress.

From Whales to Dragons… how to put this into words?       and then by the convergence of Elements, the Mystery of Synchronicity and while we were on Rurutu island with the Whales... here, Rainey described these beings so well:

Miracles & Dragons
"MACROVERSAL Council"   through   Rainey Marie Highley
Our dearest family of LIGHT, we trust that you are settling into your new Earth reality with ease, relaxation and joy. The transformation you created was completely unprecedented as is the case with ambassadors of great change such as yourselves. Vast improvements have been made and a much larger percentage of the real "you" now lives inside your physical vehicle. Every day, you express more and more of the fullness of your being. The Earth celebrates this revealing because your increased light is illuminating everything on the planet!

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