Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Cynastry 11 Beauty Uses for Coconut
By Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D
Did you know that if you use the typical department or drug store brands of cosmetics daily, you could be absorbing nearly 5 pounds of chemicals into your body annually?
Many of these widely distributed products that are highly advertised and hyped, including some of the ones your dermatologist sells, have been linked to deadly inflammatory conditions and even cancers.
You might want to check your personal care product labels and see if they include any of the following: Mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), petrolatum, propylene glycol, gycerin, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA’s), bentonite, fragrances, kaolin, lanolin, lauramide DEA, sodium chloride, or benzophenone. These are the culprits we don’t want to put on our skin, which is the largest organ in our bodies.
Some of these ingredients are even advertising buzz words that we have become accustomed to believe that they are actually good to have in our products, but nothing could be further from the truth.
To the get the “skinny” on each of these ingredients and why you don’t want to put them on your skin, please peruse, “The Truth About Cosmetics,” as we are going to learn how to avoid all of them by making some or all of our own personal care and beauty products both safely and cost effectively. I will share a few here but there is a wealth to be mined online and you can experiment yourself with these recipes and find many good ones.
Making our products ourselves is the very best way to be sure that we’re not ingesting or applying these and many more dangerous chemicals topically. In the spirit of DIY why not simply take matters in our own hands and make our own meals at home as much as possible and make our own beauty and personal care products, too? I think you will find that this can be both fun and easy to do when using your own organic and natural ingredients. You might even find that you may already have beauty-fuel ingredients right in your own kitchen that can be the base of many homemade personal care products.
I suggest to my clients that the most important natural food and ingredient to have on hand to use as a base for our homemade personal care products is organic, expeller pressed, unrefined, virgin, coconut oil.
The Coconut and Its Beauty-Fuel Oil
The scientific name for the coconut is cocos nucifera. Spanish explorers called it “coco,” which was said to mean “monkey face” because the three holes on its surface, especially the pair of eyes on the hairy nut’s surface resembles the face and the head of a monkey. Nucifera means “nut-bearing.”
Coconuts have been found to be extremely nutritious. They provide coconut meat (which we usually purchase as flakes), juice, milk, and oil which has fed, nourished and soothed populations, externally and internally around the world for hundreds of years. Many island nations use the coconut as a staple food in their diet because it provides the majority of the food the people eat. The idea I present here is to use it both internally and externally!

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/11-beauty-uses-for-coconut.html#ixzz1uzw6uBNz

Nurturing the Etheric Body | OM Times Magazine

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dragon Energy

Dragon Energy
Whales and Dragons are from a matrix beyond human thinking.
Yet, when we intuitively feel from the heart... here they are; the Gate Keepers of our next journeys.
These Masters of Peace and Light will show us how to direct Energy for Creation.
Discovering energetic portals in Nature is leading us into the vast and infinite realms beyond our current perception.
Jean-Luc reveals the encoded messages and holographic patterns he has uncovered through his explorations. His 40 years spent swimming with wild dolphins and whales have inspired some of his most provocative work. From a very young age, Jean-Luc had the ability to access the memory of other lives beyond this linear timeline and beyond this time/space reality. This skill is best revealed in his "Transmuteo" DVD, which takes audiences on an interactive evolutionary voyage through the micro and macro dimensions of existence and into the embryo of divine creation itself.
Now the adventure continues with his encounter with Dragon: this film is still in progress.

From Whales to Dragons… how to put this into words?       and then by the convergence of Elements, the Mystery of Synchronicity and while we were on Rurutu island with the Whales... here, Rainey described these beings so well:

Miracles & Dragons
"MACROVERSAL Council"   through   Rainey Marie Highley
Our dearest family of LIGHT, we trust that you are settling into your new Earth reality with ease, relaxation and joy. The transformation you created was completely unprecedented as is the case with ambassadors of great change such as yourselves. Vast improvements have been made and a much larger percentage of the real "you" now lives inside your physical vehicle. Every day, you express more and more of the fullness of your being. The Earth celebrates this revealing because your increased light is illuminating everything on the planet!