Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Rosanne Mancari 04/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Rosanne Mancari 04/17 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Rosanne is Interior Salish, First Nations, her band being Lower Nicola, B.C. She was born in Kamloops B.C. and lived in Merritt, moving to Ontario as a teenager. For approximately 30 years Rosanne has been working with medically fragile children. Rosanne says, “I have been using my “Creator-given” healing gift for many years. I received my teachings during my dream time. There has been tremendous growth over the years and I now have both clairvoyant and clairaudient capabilities. Often while working with a client I will accurately “hear” messages from spirit, which I share with their loved ones. While working with my guide, ‘Running Bear’, I am able to see the energy moving inside the body and energetically work on the areas where we detect problems. Chakras are checked and rebalanced if necessary. I feel very connected to our Mother Earth and to all that the Creator has provided. “ Rosanne has been invited by Liz Mitten Ryan to be a practitioner at an E.A.R.T.H. retreat at Gateway 2 Ranch