Friday, February 25, 2011

Yona author of 'Rapid Enlightenment through Initiations' joins Vickers Tree on Sunday - Vickers Tree Radio

Yona author of 'Rapid Enlightenment through Initiations' joins Vickers Tree on Sunday - Vickers Tree Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism w/ Yona author of Rapid Enlightenment thr Initiations
Vickers Tree Radio

Host: Cynastry

Date / Time: 2/27/2011 11:00 AM

Category: Spirituality

Call-in Number: (347) 215-6930

Join Yona and Cynastry in an active discussion of initiations, channeling (the benefits and the concerns) and how your diet is an indicator on how grounded your GOD SELF is in your body. Yona began clinical counseling, spiritual growth and energy work in 1987. Beginning in 1993, he received spiritual initiations by several world-renowned, fully self-realized, East Indian and Tibetan Saints and Spiritual Masters. Yona also received several spiritual initiations from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and from one of his teachers His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa (Lamasan). Lamasan recognized Yona instantaneously and embraced him affectionately upon first meeting him in 1995. He knew Yona from past lives together in Tibet. He told Yona that he was Yona’s “Root Lama” (main spiritual teacher) for all lifetimes. Yona was visited on the subtle level by; Lord YHWH (Yahweh), Lord Christ, Mother Mary and Father Joseph, Lord Buddha, Kriya Babaji Nagaraj and the 18 Siddhas, and many others, which are too numerous to list. Yona can telepathically transmit spiritual consciousness, and empowerment's to others through mere intent, even over the phone. He utilizes this skill in thousands of individual sessions and in many spiritual empowerment workshops. He spontaneously experienced a level of enlightened spiritual awareness known as “Bhava Samadhi” (the Breathless State) lasting two months. In 1992, Yona’s Christ-Self walked-in to his body. He was in this Christed State for the next ten days during which time people would become blissful around him (within ten feet of him).;

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