Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The 'spray-on skin' that heals open wounds

The 'spray-on skin' that heals open woundsA new sprayable solution of recycled skin and blood-clotting proteins could revolutionize how we treat hard-to-cure wounds
Healthpoint Biotherapeutics, a company out of Fort Worth, has successfully tested a spray-on treatment that promises to help wounds heal faster and without the need of skin grafts. Dr. Robert Kirsner at the University of Miami and his colleagues tested the "spray-on skin" on 228 patients with leg ulcers, or open wounds that are notoriously hard to heal. The result was "superior healing and a faster time frame than anything else we've seen in the treatment of venous leg ulcers," Kirsner tells MedNews Today. The study, published in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet, is preliminary, but outside experts are impressed. Here's a look at the possible future of wound therapy: