Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism Jan Diana on Loving Relationships 07/03 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism Jan Diana on Loving Relationships 07/03 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Finding the love you deserve when you are allowing only the very best in your life. Join us in the discussion of the 'YOU' in power.


It is my soul purpose to assist the evolving Masters of this world to remember that they are love. My purpose is to assist you.”


A highly intuitive healer and master practitioner that can easily identify the areas of limitation and blocks to your personal empowerment and the things that are blocking you from being able to reach the ideals that you are choosing.

Her life has been filled with the joy of discovering pathways that lead to solutions. She always had a sense that the truth is available and that there are always answers. Years ago I became very ill and was unable to find a quick solution. Through this experience, I began to understand that health, well-being and balance in my body and life, is a reflection of inner harmony.