Friday, June 10, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism HEALING APPROACHES WITH STEFAN 06/12 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

Vickers Tree Shamanism HEALING APPROACHES WITH STEFAN 06/12 by Cynastry | Blog Talk Radio

We welcome Stefan and his great experience in healing to the show. Everyone is talking healing these days let's hear what an expert has to say.

Stefan is a healer, teacher and motivational speaker. He has given many thousands of healings and likes to share his experience in order for people to find inspiration and healing.

To accomplish this, Stefan hosts the Shuem Soul Experience a radio show that explores wider states of being as a practical approach to experience greater oneness in our life personally and globally. The show includes a free healing session.

Stefan’s life changed rapidly when he met Shuem Healing in 1992. It soon became clear he has a special talent for healing one’s deeper feelings and emotions. Since then he has given many thousands of healing sessions and in 2000 started to teach the Professional Healer Training.

Clients and students experience Stefan’s approach as a great help to find a deeper sense of fulfillment, trust and openness in everyday life