Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Janet Smith Warfield

Vickers Tree Shamanism with Janet Smith Warfield
Show Name:
Vickers Tree Shamanism with Janet Smith Warfield

Date / Length: 1/23/2011 11:00 AM - 1 hr 30 min
Length: 1 hr 30 min
Photobucket Shift Change Your Words Change Your World Cynastry and Janet will discuss her book and DVD, "Shift Change Your Words Change Your World." Janet Smith Warfield works with wisdom-seekers who want understanding and clarity so they can live peaceful, powerful, prosperous lives. Forty years ago, Janet had a mystical experience. Nothing outside her changed. Yet unexpectedly, everything changed. Suddenly, she was looking at the same world through different eyes. She had to tell others, but no one understood. How could she use divisive, analytical words to communicate a unifying, holistic experience? It was like trying to use a screwdriver to hammer a nail. She read, journaled, asked questions, and wrote poetry, essays and stories. Words were illusions, dancing at a masked ball. They were fingers pointing at the moon. They were not the moon. But there was this unifying, holistic, enlightening experience. There was a Human Truth Puzzle that could be put together. Shifting word meanings were part of that Puzzle. Each person who solved it used different words to communicate it. Janet went to law school to learn how to use words as clearly as possible. Through her unique combination of holistic, creative, right-brain transformational experiences and 22 years of rigorous, left-brain law practice, she has learned how to sculpt words in atypical ways to shift listeners into experiences beyond words, transforming turmoil into inner peace. Janet graduated from Swarthmore College and cum laude from Rutgers School of Law, Camden. She lives in Venice, Florida.