Friday, December 3, 2010

Doctor Sutter on Vickers Tree Sunday Dec. 5th - Vickers Tree Radio

Doctor Kenneth Sutter and Cynastry will discuss his book

The Paradigm Shift in Health Care

* The true definition of health.
* The definition of food.
* What the medical paradigm is.
* The rules of health.
* Why there are no cures.
* How to get healthy.

The shift from disease care to health care.
The Paradigm Shift - Paperback

excerpt below from Doc Sutter's site

The world of Natural Healing is a very large world. It’s not like the medical world with their one option (drugs) for the treatment of any and all disorders. Natural Healing has many different professions surrounding it. The problem was there was no set course to follow. No set guidelines in place. It was: “do this and see if it works”, “do that and see if that works”. No set regime to follow for the application of the various protocols that make up Natural Healing. To put it short – It was a mess. Almost impossible to understand and very tricky to navigate through.

The Disease Treatment Paradigm uses the crisis therapy principle to treat disease. Yet, by the time they can identify and name your specific disease you’ve already been sick for a long, long, time. Diseases are caused by a breakdown inside the body, a weakness within the body, not the typical overwhelm situation that causes a crisis. So the weaknesses or breakdowns within the body must be addressed in order to eliminate the disease. It is literally impossible to cure the disease if you treat the disease. The disease is always secondary. It must have a cause. And that cause is what you treat. And it can’t be treated with anything that causes more of a weakness within the body.

The volume of information known about how to get a human body healthy is enormous. Not only are there entire profession built around it but many folk remedies going back hundreds and even thousands of years. With the advances in knowledge of human anatomy and physiology we now know why those old folk remedies work. Put that together with what we’ve learned in the past hundred years or so and we now have the exact answers to bring your health back if you’ve lost it, and keep you from ever getting sick in the first place.

We now know the exact requirements a human body needs down to the cellular level to be healthy. And we now know the exact protocols to apply, and when along the way to apply them, to accomplish the return to health.

Tags: Cynastry, DocSutter, ParadigmShift, VickersTree, health, liverflush