Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vickers Tree Shamanism welcomes Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster

Vickers Tree Shamanism welcomes Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster 
 Cynastry interviews guests Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster. Nasrin Safai is an internationally known lecturer in the field of esoteric spirituality.  Author of seven books in the field of metaphysics; she brings messages from the realms of the Spiritual Masters, Guides and Angels.  Nasrin is the founder of the Foundation for the Attainment of God-Unity (FAGU), the creator of Waves of Bliss and the co-founder of Path to Enlightenment Mystery School and PTE Academy (soon to be launched). Nasrin conducts Public Group Channeling Sessions where hundreds of people gather from around the world via conference call. Nasrin attended Chelsea School of Art in London, received a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, a Masters Degree in Environmental Planning from Nottingham University in England and did her Doctoral Studies in the role of women in the development of the third world. She has taught at Harvard University and other Universities around the world. Presently she holds the post of Professor of Esoteric Spirituality at Universal Seminary, where materials from her books are taught for college credit. James Foster, AIA is co-founder and Managing Director of PTE Mystery School and PTE Academy. He designs all Home Study Courses and collaborates in conducting live group channeling courses. James was born and raised in a small town in Iowa and received a Degree in Energy Systems Engineering and Masters Degree in Architecture from Iowa State University. Jim provides Architectural and Project Management Consulting Services nationally and internationally through his companies, JMF Group, LLC and Kumas One Concepts, LLC. PTE Mystery School was founded in 2009 by Nasrin Safai and James Foster. To read more, go to Path to Enlightenment Mystery School. Coupon code: 4031 is $30 off on Home Study Courses at the Mystery School.