Friday, December 3, 2010

Doctor Sutter on Vickers Tree Sunday Dec. 5th - Vickers Tree Radio

Doctor Kenneth Sutter and Cynastry will discuss his book

The Paradigm Shift in Health Care

* The true definition of health.
* The definition of food.
* What the medical paradigm is.
* The rules of health.
* Why there are no cures.
* How to get healthy.

The shift from disease care to health care.
The Paradigm Shift - Paperback

excerpt below from Doc Sutter's site

The world of Natural Healing is a very large world. It’s not like the medical world with their one option (drugs) for the treatment of any and all disorders. Natural Healing has many different professions surrounding it. The problem was there was no set course to follow. No set guidelines in place. It was: “do this and see if it works”, “do that and see if that works”. No set regime to follow for the application of the various protocols that make up Natural Healing. To put it short – It was a mess. Almost impossible to understand and very tricky to navigate through.

The Disease Treatment Paradigm uses the crisis therapy principle to treat disease. Yet, by the time they can identify and name your specific disease you’ve already been sick for a long, long, time. Diseases are caused by a breakdown inside the body, a weakness within the body, not the typical overwhelm situation that causes a crisis. So the weaknesses or breakdowns within the body must be addressed in order to eliminate the disease. It is literally impossible to cure the disease if you treat the disease. The disease is always secondary. It must have a cause. And that cause is what you treat. And it can’t be treated with anything that causes more of a weakness within the body.

The volume of information known about how to get a human body healthy is enormous. Not only are there entire profession built around it but many folk remedies going back hundreds and even thousands of years. With the advances in knowledge of human anatomy and physiology we now know why those old folk remedies work. Put that together with what we’ve learned in the past hundred years or so and we now have the exact answers to bring your health back if you’ve lost it, and keep you from ever getting sick in the first place.

We now know the exact requirements a human body needs down to the cellular level to be healthy. And we now know the exact protocols to apply, and when along the way to apply them, to accomplish the return to health.

Tags: Cynastry, DocSutter, ParadigmShift, VickersTree, health, liverflush

Saturday, November 13, 2010

VICKERS TREE | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Soul of a HorseJoe Camp is the creator of the canine superstar Benji and the writer, producer, and director of all five Benji theatrical films and various television programs. He has authored several books, including Benji and Me, Benji Off the Leash, For the Love of Benji, Oh Heavenly, Dog Training Book, and including various children’s books. Joe spends a great deal of time speaking around the country on behalf of kids, homeless pets, and recently, proper care for horses. he lives with his wife, Kathleen and three stepchildren, five dogs (including Benji), two cats, and seven horses (including Cash) in Valley Center, California.

Saturday, October 23, 2010



*Author prepares us for a new world*

Talk + Q&A + Live Chat
Sunday October 24th
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

On 10-24-10 you will learn how to remove the veil to find your powerful, true self. Join us to discover the secret of the 12 GOLDEN KEYS!

*You are invited to hear the author talk about how to live consciously as Soul intended. M. J. Milne says: "We are powerful visionaries. We are the only beings on this planet that we know of, who are conscious of our consciousness. We have the ability to consciously evolve and we're finally taking responsibility to create a world we want to live in. First, we need to remove the veil that keeps us from our inner guidance."

*M. J. Milne will talk about the twelve strategies to create your world, your way. The 12 GOLDEN KEYS are a powerful toolbox for tackling the challenges of a world in transition and a catalyst to reignite your spiritual quest. By practicing key exercises, you can co-create and change your life, reclaim contentment to live abundantly as Spirit intended, and take your place within the "New Earth" consciousness.

*These 12 Keys are for people of all spiritual paths and religious backgrounds. Everyone is welcome!

M. J. MILNE had a spiritual awakening 20-years ago and her life took a major turning point. She has written magazine articles, screenplays, and the prophetic new-age/science-fiction novel Universal Tides® (e-Book available at in which the 12 Golden Keys first evolved. In July 2010 she released her new book: 12 Golden Keys for a New World: Unlocking the Door to Conscious Freedom ~ Change Your Life, Change Your Planet (Blue Heron Productions, 2010; ISBN: 978-0-9739654-1-4). Sign-up for free monthly e-Letters: and

“M. J. Milne's book is an important practical guide with a valuable message about how the power of soul can influence and transform your life. I consider this path of the 12 Golden Keys to be a universal spiritual practice, a journey into healing the mind, body, and spirit.” —JAMES TWYMAN, New York Times best-selling author, The Moses Code
Blue Heron Productions

M. J. Milne, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada V7N 4M2
| |

* Where can my listeners purchase your book?
Order it from the website: using PayPal or credit card.
Ask your local bookstore to order it for you.
Ask your local Library to bring it in for you.
Also, purchase it from

Contact: Blue Heron Productions | North Vancouver, BC |
ISBN: 978-0-9739654-1-4 | Mind-Body-Spirit / Inspirational / Spirituality

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vickers Tree Shamanism welcomes Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster

Vickers Tree Shamanism welcomes Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster 
 Cynastry interviews guests Nasrin Safai and Jim Foster. Nasrin Safai is an internationally known lecturer in the field of esoteric spirituality.  Author of seven books in the field of metaphysics; she brings messages from the realms of the Spiritual Masters, Guides and Angels.  Nasrin is the founder of the Foundation for the Attainment of God-Unity (FAGU), the creator of Waves of Bliss and the co-founder of Path to Enlightenment Mystery School and PTE Academy (soon to be launched). Nasrin conducts Public Group Channeling Sessions where hundreds of people gather from around the world via conference call. Nasrin attended Chelsea School of Art in London, received a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, a Masters Degree in Environmental Planning from Nottingham University in England and did her Doctoral Studies in the role of women in the development of the third world. She has taught at Harvard University and other Universities around the world. Presently she holds the post of Professor of Esoteric Spirituality at Universal Seminary, where materials from her books are taught for college credit. James Foster, AIA is co-founder and Managing Director of PTE Mystery School and PTE Academy. He designs all Home Study Courses and collaborates in conducting live group channeling courses. James was born and raised in a small town in Iowa and received a Degree in Energy Systems Engineering and Masters Degree in Architecture from Iowa State University. Jim provides Architectural and Project Management Consulting Services nationally and internationally through his companies, JMF Group, LLC and Kumas One Concepts, LLC. PTE Mystery School was founded in 2009 by Nasrin Safai and James Foster. To read more, go to Path to Enlightenment Mystery School. Coupon code: 4031 is $30 off on Home Study Courses at the Mystery School.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Join us on Vickers Tree as our guest Barbara Rector describes her Adventure in Awareness

Listen to internet radio with Cynastry on Blog Talk Radio
VickersTree guest this Sunday is Barbara Rector. Barbara is an author of Adventures in Awareness.

Barbara Rector has nearly four decades sharing horses with people for their mutual benefit – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. She has traveled the world training the trainers in her Adventures In Awareness ™ process for exploring the heart of horse and human. In Tucson she has held key leadership roles at Therapeutic Riding of Tucson, Inc. (TROT) which she co-founded in 1974 with Nancy McGibbon and at Sierra Tucson Hospitals where she introduced and developed therapeutic work with horses and the practice of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy. She is past special projects director for Al-Marah Arabians. During the mid to late 90’s Barbara designed and implemented the horse programs at Chapel Rock Retreat Center and Prescott College. She held an adjunctive faculty position with Prescott College offering students course work in Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning. On a national level, she is a co-founder of the Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association and has served on The Board of Trustees for NARHA. Barbara serves as Secretary on The Certification Board for Equine Interaction Professionals. She is currently engaged in exploring the science behind apparent health benefits to humans when spending intentional meditative time in the bio-energetic field of horse.

Cynastry (me) will share 90 minutes with live audience in both chat and provide opportunity for listeners to call into the show.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Stories From the Vickers Tree

Vickers Tree Radio is broadcast live Sundays at 1-2:30pm EST. We have a live chat room and enjoy the interaction with people calling into the show. If you are unable to connect during the live show it is available on Itunes and in the archives of the shows web page.  You may also link to Nancy directly from that site.  Nancy A. Kaiser is in the healing Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina surrounded by her family of 2 dogs, 2 cats and a horse. She is the author of Letting Go: An Ordinary Woman’s Extraordinary Journey of Healing & Transformation, about her recovery from trauma with the help of animals and nature. Nancy operates Just Ask Communications, a practice devoted to healing the human-animal bond through enhanced communication and understanding. Nancy writes a monthly column, Horse Tales & Teachers, for “” and a weekly column, Animal Insights, for “” Nancy offers animal communication and healing consults via phone, in-person and on Skype.
Listen to internet radio with Cynastry on Blog Talk Radio